Pay Per Click Maverick - Training Review

Review of PPC Maverick

Video Transcript

Hey guys, I wanted to bring you a video a review on a new video, set, a training set. That's got a ton of resources and it's called paper, click Maverick. It's Tom gads and Nick Ponte. Who've done several other releases. My favorite one that they've done to date was the so spy which was software and social media management. This one is not social media management. This one is lead generation through paid ads specifically through Google. And this training platform is fantastic. I have done a lot of different Google ads, trainings. I've done their certifications and everything. And a lot of it is how to like how to go set up a specific you know, ad campaign for mobile versus desktop or whatever, but there's no real strategy behind it, especially for an agency level or selling it or, or things like that. And that's what differentiates this. I wanted to show you the behind the scenes look exactly. I paid full price for this. I even took some of the add-ons. I'm gonna walk you through some of those. But basically this is their landing page. Brandon Spears is the guy teaching it. Brandon Spears is fantastic with, with all kinds of paid ads, not just Google, but this specifically is focusing primarily on Google. And I wanted to show you both what's involved in this program as well as the ways that I think you could use it to make a boatload of money. So let's dive right in. We're gonna get outta the way. First off you see over here, these are all different videos. He can work through these and you've got all kinds of stuff selling strategies. You've got pro you know, proper campaign set up. You've got ways to do search terms and negative keywords. Negative keywords are huge. Huge at getting your ROI, your return on ad spin, set up correctly. It's got basically walks you through it, hand ho it's a platform where you've got you know, all the different a glossary of terms. You've got all the different training that you're gonna need to be able to identify clients, prospects and, and turn them into paying clients. The, the tools that you need are all involved. So let's take a look at what all you get. Here's all these different videos. This was a bonus. This bonus, and this was an upgrade. The bonus is free. It comes with it, at least at the time that I bought it, it did. And then I took, I think there was two or three bumps that I took. And then one that I did not take. So to look at that, one of the order bumps was the done for you landing page templates. They are it's fantastic. This is three live sales call recordings. The pay per click ads, swipe files. I'm gonna go through some of these, but like it's worth it. This was a small bump. I think it was like 17 or $27 or something totally worth it. It's just a time saver if nothing else. I mean, you, you can take a look like so landing page templates, it basically will show you different landing page templates. And then the training, he goes through how to set these up and like unbalance and click funnels and that kind of stuff. So that, one's a, that one's a great one. The life sales call recordings is extremely valuable. Cuz you get to hear the real conversation. It kinda lets you know, what you should expect as far as like objections or questions and things like that. It's huge. The ad swipe file is huge. We're gonna come back and take a look at that, but like this is a paid ad swipe file. So, and like, look at this, we're gonna use the accounting one as a demo, but look at this, all these different and they're adding to it, all these different industries and basically they write your ads for you. It's it's just a huge time saver. So definitely worth that bump in my opinion. Then the next one was after burner advanced scaling methods or the masterclass and this one is an entire, like he's building out a real campaign and you get to watch it. So everything from keyword research to competitor research, to building out the you know, single keyword ad groups E everything's done right over the shoulder. So this is huge. This one was a slightly larger bump. I don't remember the exact price, maybe $97. So you decide whether or not it's worth it for you. Personally I have set up a lot of campaigns and so I could have done without this one, but the reason that I bought it and the reason that I'm, I'm excited about it is because anytime I bring on somebody else, instead of me having to train them from total scratch even if they're, you know, relatively decent at what they're doing, I can have them watch this, go through the training and they're at least on the same page when it comes to being able to set up you know, the, it, it establishes a baseline, I guess, so huge for that one. The one that I did not take, so I guess those were the two upgrades that I did take. The one that I did not take was a masterclass or something like that. It was like $47 a month or something ongoing with live webinars. I did not take that one decide whether or not that's something you should do. And if, if it's even available, I know they changed these offers sometimes for early birds or whatever. And I, I got this as soon as I could get my hands on it. So I wanna take a look at some of the other things that you get some of these bonuses, and then not some of 'em are bonuses. A lot of 'em are just resources that are involved in it. So you'll, you'll have all, obviously all the training videos, but then you've got things like your cold outreach. These emails that, that you've got, he's written a ton of them for you. So it's just copy and paste fill in your information. This is a phone script and this will come in handy, both for your calling and for voicemail drops. We'll, we'll get back into this in a second. We've already talked about this one, there's a glossary of terms. It shows you all the different acronyms as far as things that you need to be aware of, especially for a training guide, kinda like I was talking about that one's huge landing page templates we've already talked about and he actually walks you through how to do this with a bunch of the different popular softwares. So that's great. He identifies some easy niches to go after some medium and then some hard ones to avoid. He even notes that like personal injury attorney isn't even on this list because it's so ridiculously hard, but this is some great, great resources. And we're actually gonna go through this in a second. We'll go through it together. Your client intake form you guys, if you've done any of my trainings in the past, you have heard me harp on this repeatedly, have a process. The process not only will make it streamlined and efficient for you to where you're operationally efficient, but also it looks good for the client. It Makes them know that you're the subject matter expert. You, you are the, the business professional that you're claiming to be when they're giving you money, right? And so this gives you a repeatable process to be able to do. And this is huge. So take it, modify it however you want to or use it exactly as is, but this one's huge have a process in place and he is literally giving it to you. I'm pretty sure this was not even a bonus. This was involved in the this was included in the original the original offer. So that's huge. He's got the ad templates set up. He's got your different templates that you can set up to, to go through this. He walks you through exactly how to use this. It's fantastic time saver, more than anything. Your outsourcer job post, he basically is giving you a way to go outsource what you need to be able to find somebody to do this work for you. If you don't wanna do all or any of it, you could outsource all of it. Your onboarding checklist, this is just a standard operating procedure to be able to go through and check, check, check, we've got this. This is what we need from the client. Again, have a process. This is invaluable. It's it's awesome. This is really cool. This is an ROI calculator that he's put together. You just put in some of the metrics that he teaches you, how to get from the client, and it'll basically set your budgeting for you. It's, it's a really powerful tool, highly recommend it. And again, this was, this was actually involved in the original offer. This was not a, a, an upsell or a bump. This is where he writes the ads for you. We've got a ton of these. We're gonna we already talked about, we're gonna use accounting here in a minute, but he's written the ads for you. So it's just super easy with all of these different ones. And by the way, these all lined up with the with the easy list in here. So he's got these easy profit, Google ad niches, and then over here, he's actually writing the ads for you. So this is just stupid, easy. This is low hanging fruit. This was a bonus, but I do recommend it. This is a retargeting white paper that you can use. You can throw your logo on it. And basically once you've got somebody set up or even if you've got somebody that's just hot and heavy on it, it walks you through how to upsell them for retargeting on the Facebook platform which would be, you know, Facebook, Instagram, instant messenger, WhatsApp, et cetera. So that's great. We're gonna show you how you can do some prospecting for that as well. And then this is more in depth. Look at how you can outsource things in your business and just walks you through it. So guys, this it's a, it's a ridiculous value. I want you to understand something. I'm an SEO at heart. I am not one that started with paid ads and yet this still was worth its weight in gold. I would've paid triple this cost. And the reason for that is Google ads are just so stable, right? SEO is awesome. And it's something that I definitely offer to every one of my core clients. I think it's a core service that you need to be offering but the paid ads will get their phone ringing exceptionally quickly so much faster exponentially, faster than SEO. You can have their phone ringing right off the hook. In fact, even If a client doesn't sign up for paid ads with me, here's a little industry hack that I use. If somebody just signs up for SEO, I'll throw, I'll put in enough padding in my budget that I'll throw like 50 bucks worth of ads on it just to get their phone ringing pretty early on. So like maybe throw $35 on it, 40 bucks on it in month one. And then in month two, double it in the month three, because as your SEO efforts start taking effect, their phone's already ringing. They're just happy with you. So if you're not offering lead generation services, in my opinion, you're doing yourself a huge disservice, and this gives you a step by step guideline on how to offer it through Google, which is by far the most cost effective way to do online advertising in my opinion. So he he's got it all right here. This is a business and a box, as far as I'm concerned, if you're already offering digital marketing services, there is absolutely no reason that you should not be offering Google ads as a service and potentially even upselling them to retargeting ads, both across the Google display network, YouTube and Facebook and the entire Mata platform which would include Instagram, WhatsApp, and instant messenger as well as Facebook. So that's what this is. And that's, what's included. I'm going to separate this video out into a separate video on how I think you can use this to get in the door in conjunction with another tool that we've got or you can do it the, the manual way and don't have to pay for anything else, but how you should do prospecting and approach your clients. So I'm gonna stop the video here. I'm gonna put a separate video up so that we can keep this short and segmented and you can get right back to wherever you need to be in either video. So I seriously, we're gonna put a link below this. I, I highly, highly highly recommend this course. It is a game changer when it comes to Google ads, in my opinion, because it's not just showing you the how to, but it's also showing you how to do competitor research, how to do true keyword research in the way that Google's not gonna show you like profitable research. It's gonna show you how to prospect for clients and then give you the scripts to reach out to 'em. And then it's gonna teach you how to overcome object objections, and get the sale. So highly recommend this highly, highly, highly recommend check out the link below and go through it, pick out whichever upsells you think are, are right for you. And we will get started in another video on how I think you can start selling this thing today.

Selling PPC Services

Video Transcript

Part of why I'm so excited about this platform is because it gives you the ability to sell lead generation services to local businesses. And in my opinion, that is the best core service that you can offer them. Yes, there are other like ancillary services that are fantastic for businesses to have, but getting them leads in the door is where the money is at. Every small, medium, large business needs leads. And then, you know, there's just some huge opportunity with local businesses, especially in Google ads, it's fast, it's efficient and it's highly, highly stable. You don't have to worry about like coming from an SEO background, you don't have to worry about an algorithm update, wiping out all your hard work and you having to start over Google ads are always there and they're fast to get quick results. So we're gonna take some, we're gonna take a look here, you see that we've got he, he's got an entire list of easy, medium and hard. So any of these will work with the methods that we're about to show you. We're gonna use accountants because we use that in a lot of our examples. And you see that he's also already got the ads written for you. So that's fantastic. And we've already got some email scripts I'm purposely making this hard to read. And then we've also got our phone script. And so this is gonna be helpful when we start setting up our automations. We'll come back to that shortly and we're even gonna look at how we could mix in the potential for an upsell here. So the question is how do we start getting in touch with people that need our services? We're gonna go over two ways. The first way that we are going to go over is a manual method. And I am going to look at maps and I'm going to go into accountants in Atlanta, Georgia. Okay. And it's gonna start returning you know, a bunch of accountants for me. And so you're gonna need some plug-ins for this. And I'm gonna show you the plug-ins I'll have links below this video on the plug-ins that you need. One is called the Google tag assistant it's in legacy mode now. And then the other one is a Facebook pixel helper. We will sh we'll have links to both of those, but now what I wanna do is I wanna find any of these services that I think need us like for instance, Wells, Wells financials is already running ads, right? Not to mention they're huge. So well, Springs financial services may, may be one. So I'm just gonna pull up a couple of these right fusion. Okay. So we're just gonna take a look at a couple of these. What I can do now that I'm on their page is I can go into my plugins, enable 'em and refresh it. Now, when I do that, this plugin will show me That delay me has a go global site tags. Many of them, a Google ads, remarketing tag, and an analytics tag that is partially properly installed. So this Google ads, remarketing tag is pretty good indicator that they're probably advertising on Google. At least they are, they are remarketing on Google. So Google display network or YouTube ads they are probably hitting us with retargeting campaigns. They may not have a campaign running right now because it may not be, you know, the right time of year for 'em or whatever. But that tells me that they're probably doing a remarketing campaign, at least on Google. What I would also like to see is a Google ads, conversion tag basically that tracks conversion. So if the conversion is to schedule an appointment, to download their free book right here to call their number, whatever, then the ads conversion tag will be tracking how many people converted off of that. So the other, the other tag the other Chrome extension, you can use Facebook pixel helper. You see that they do not have a Facebook pixel on their site, which tells me they're not advertising on Facebook, not even for retargeting. Conversely, when we go to fusion taxes, I see that they do have a Facebook pixel. So it is highly probable that they are advertising on Facebook, at least for remarketing campaign. So again, I'll go into the Google tag and I will refresh it. I'll go in here. And I see that they've got site tags, Google Google analytics in a, in a Google tag manager. So if they're running ads, I don't think they're running. 'em very, very well. They have a clear call to action above the fold. And so this would be the conversion that they are looking for. You can also, if you are so inclined, go down to their Facebook page, find their URL, fusion CPA, and then go to Google does not have a, a library quite like this, but you can say all ads and you can say fusion CPA, find them, and it will show you that they're not currently running any active ads on any of the Facebook platforms that Mato whatever. So Instagram, WhatsApp, et cetera. So anyway, you can go through this process and you can get some good prospecting information about each of these. Now I would set up a Google sheet and kind of tell you who you need to be targeting. Generally I would target somebody who looks more locally owned like this one. They've clearly invested some money in their website, but there's some room for improvement here, for sure. They're call to action. Is this ly link. They're wanting you to schedule an appointment here. So that's, you know, they have a clear call to action. That's fine. They've got a global site tag and they've got a Google ads, remarketing tag. So they might be remarketing, but they are not really tracking their conversion. So this would be one where I would definitely start hitting them with like, how's it going? Because they know that ads are important. They know that traffic is important, but they're not doing it very well. This is a manual process. It's very time consuming. And we've been talking for five and a half minutes now, and we've done three without taking any notes. I wanna show you a different way, different way through our ninja prospecting tool. I've searched for accountants in Georgia within a 30 mile radius, and it has returned a bunch of them. Okay. And then I, I mean, I can just go in there and click load more and it will just continue loading that. In fact, I've got, 'em all loaded. So out of these that we have, now let's start looking at what else we can get. I don't really need the address. And by the way, I'm in my white labeled version, a high level, you are welcome to use ours, or you can use a, if you already have high level, you can use your own. Either way is perfectly fine. If you don't know what high level is, it's an automation software that we use. It's a fantastic software. I will link to it below. But if you don't have it and you don't want it, then you can definitely use ours. It's no additional cost. If you already have your own, we just link it to your location. All right. So I don't really need a address in city. So I'm just gonna get rid of those. And I don't really need phone number, but I am interested in phone type. And maybe if they're on the do not call list or not. So just take these first two as an example, and we can do some checks and we see that's a voiceover IP, and that's a landline. You could do as many of these as you wanted. And then you can also check to see whether they are on the state or federal do not call list. This is on the national, the federal level do not call list. So I might not hit them with cold calls or voicemails or text messages, but I very well might hit them. It's a landline. So I might not hit them with cold calls. I might hit them just with emails. So that's some of the things that you can do, but let's take a look at something that's probably a little more pertinent to the conversation at hand. I can see who all's got a Facebook pixel who all's got an ads, remarketing tag, or what I like to do is just say all tags. And now that I've got all the tags, I can glance at this thing and tell you, like, they're probably advertising on LinkedIn, if at all. They're again, same thing, Google ads, conversion tracking. I would almost guarantee you that they are going to be running ads, at least seasonally LinkedIn insights, Google analytics, Google ads, conversion, and Facebook pixel. These people probably have it going on with their website. They seem to have a good process laid out. I don't really like the layout of their site. It seems a little busy to me, but I'm sure their ads do not take you to their landing page. I'm sure they take you to some kind of other page that you would be directed to for a more clear call to action. Sorry about that. Have my mouse die for a second there. Okay. So that can show you all the different tags they're using and you can do these at scale. And if you wanted to, you can also pull up their social media. And this helps me find who the contacts are that I need to be getting in touch with. You can, can also do things if you offer local SEO services or if you offer organic SEO services, a lot of things that you can do in here. But now that we've found some people that we want to target, let's get rid of just these three, just making myself a little room. Who can we target? Well, check this out. So if I wanted to target Carter and company, well, Sam, Carter's the CEO. So he'd be a good one. Robert, Davidson's the president. He's a good one. Let's say I didn't have one of those. And I wanted to go to their LinkedIn or their Facebook. I can jump right over here and see for employees. We probably pulled those, all those, but let's just pretend they had a John DOE. So yeah, I think these are all the ones that we pulled. Yeah. Looks like it. So I can tell that look, Sam Carter S Carter, Rebecca, Rebecca, Robert Davidson, R Davidson. It looks like the most common naming convention. They have his first initial last name. So if I had a John DOE here, I could just go create John DOE. Right? So John DOE J DOE at whatever their domain was. And I could add that person straight to this list. I don't need to, in this case, because I've pulled the president and the CEO, I could just hit them. Right. And so I can go through here and look, these are all the people that I'm gonna need to get in touch with. Right? You, you can pull generics. I like to pull personal because I like to target one specific person. Lee Pennington, R Lee Pennington, probably the right guy to talk to since his name's on the business. Right. Marshall Jones there's Charlie Jones, probably a good, a good one to start with. I would go to their LinkedIn and see who, who are the decision makers. And I would target them accordingly. Right? You get the point. We've got a lot of people in here that are options for us to start targeting. What can we do to target them? Well, again, if we go back to, I'm gonna close out of this, if we go back to, we have these emails that he's already written, that we can copy and paste, we've got these phone scripts that we can just literally copy and paste, and I've got these automation sequences that I can set up and do all kinds of crazy outreach with to automate it. So now all I'd have to do is take somebody in this case, we're gonna take John luck, right? I, I doubt that John is the decision ma well managing partner. He would be right. So I'm gonna take him and you could check off as many of these as you want. And you would be able to drop them directly into whatever workflow you have. Right. And then if you wanna add tags, you can trigger other workflows. So like I could drop 'em into a direct marketing outreach workflow. And then I could add a tag, which would put 'em in custom audiences and I could start advertising to him as well. This is a live working system. So I'm just gonna create the contact and show you what that will look like. So we just created John luck. So now if I go into contacts, <affirmative>, I'll have to refresh it so that API can fire and pick 'em up, but we're not only gonna collect all of the personal and business information. We're actually gonna collect everything that we just ran. So like their mobile page speed score, their responsiveness check whether or not they have an SSL, their schema, markup bodies, they're tags and pixels, et cetera. Let's see if John's in here, John luck, here he is. All right. So we've got all this personal information. We've got all the business information that you would expect, but here's all these additional fields. Is it claimed or not? Oh, not a claim GMB. This one's a, this one's a gold mine already. A link to the GMB, their average rating, number of reviews, the tags that they're using their mobile desktop page speed scores, whether or not it's responsive, if they have SPF and D mark records, like all these things that, that you can set up and you can use these in your automations. So niche is what we searched for, right? When I, when I searched for accountants in Atlanta, Georgia, that becomes the niche. And so if I was going to reach out in an automation, I could say something like, Hey, Contact, first name. My name is, and I could say user that way. If I have more than one sales rep, it can pick up whoever it's assigned to. We work with niche accountants. So contact custom fields, niche accountants in the, I wanna know it's Atlanta, right? But I would know this because General Info city, right in the contact City area. And so hopefully you're seeing how you can take these pre-written emails that are in the paper, click Maverick platform and your phone scripts, et cetera. And you can just plug 'em straight into this and make this thing at scale. So you can start reaching out to people who need your services. You already have the fulfillment methods that you got through paper, click Maverick. You've got the outreach method that you have through nurture ninja, or you can use the manual method that we already showed you. But this is a fantastic way for you to start reaching out at scale to businesses who need your lead generation services. And then you have a, at least Google method, if not Google plus Facebook retargeting, you have a method to be able to fulfill those services for them, because it's all wrapped up in this nice program for you. This is the way that I recommend that you use the paper, click Maverick system. It is a way for you to, to prospect reach out, sell it. They give you the scripts. They give you the verbiage, and then they give you step by step instructions on how to do the fulfillment guys. It's a complete package. If you can't win new clients with this I would be absolutely floored. This is something that I highly recommend, and I think that this, this tool that we've developed as well as the training from paper, click Maverick really go hand in hand really well and give you an unfair advantage, which is that, that unfair advantage that we're looking for against your competition. I hope that helps guys. If you've got any questions, please feel free, drop 'em in the comments or join our Facebook group, and we'll be happy to help you out.

Here's a List of the Tools From this Tutorial

PPC Maverick

Awesome Agency Training for Google Ads. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Nurture Ninja

Streamline Your Prospecting Process & Automate Your B2B Outreach.

Go High Level

Best marketing automation software available. Period.


Awesome Prospecting Tool for Social Media Management.

Tag Assistant

Easily check if a site is using Google Tags with this free Chrome Extension.

FB Pixel Helper

Easily check if a site is using a FB Pixel with this free Chrome Extension.


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