Local SEO Link Building Strategies and Opportunities in 2025
As a general concept of anything regarding backlinks or internal linking, just basically creating hyperlinks. I wanted to go over some basics of terminology, just so we're all using the same vocabulary, so to speak. So when you are looking at the three parts of the anatomy of a link, I want to break that down for you. So there's the destination, which is basically just what it sounds like. It's where the link is pointing to. And so you might have an, like a length, that's a hyperlink like this, and it's pointing to that page, right? So that is the destination of this link. So the destination is just the page that it's pointing to. Okay. The next thing you want to look at is the anchor text and anchor text is the words that are highlighted, that become the link itself. So when you are creating anchor link text, a lot of times you want to use keywords that you're trying to rank for. And there's three different types of more or less anchor link texts. So the three types are a keyword, a back link, which an example would be like white label, digital marketing solutions, or white labeled digital marketing tools. And you see if you hover over the link and you look down just below my face, you'll see that it's pointing to ninja marketing dust solutions. That would be a keyword rich back link, right? That anchor tag, the anchor text is it includes keywords that I want to rank for. The next one is a branded back link, which is just the name of your company. And then it points to the URL. So in this case, ninja marketing solutions, and then what's known as a naked naked URL. Backlink is just the actual roll URL that you're pointing to. It's just the destination without any kind of like anchor text in its place. It's just called a naked URL. Backlink you want to have a healthy mix of these. It looks unnatural if you're just using keyword stuffing techniques for your backlinks. And especially if they're all the exact same thing, it just looks unnatural to Google. So you want to have a good, healthy mix of these when you start creating these backlinks it just looks more natural the way it would actually occur if you weren't actually trying to make it occur. And the last thing that we want to talk about is the REL tag. Now there's three primary identifiers in a REL tag that we want to look at. There's actually more than three, but the three that matter for the backlinking strategies are the no-follow, which basically tells the bot in this case, we're just going to assume you're trying to rank in Google. And so the Google bot it's telling you do not follow this link. Don't provide any link equity or link juice to the destination of this URL of this hyperlink. This is extremely common in social media. So if you post a link on Facebook or whatever that is not going to have it's, it's going to be a no-follow link. In other words, it's not going to pass any link equity. Now, as a side note on that, Google has said that they will still sometimes follow the link. They just don't know. They don't necessarily apply any link equity to it, but a lot of times they will follow it as a hint for what the URL is about what the, the actual link is. So it, it's, it's really unnatural looking if you have no links that are no follow, because any healthy business, any prominent brand is going to have, especially a lot of social media mentions. And so when you have links on social media, those create no follow links. Now they don't pass any link equity. So if we have our choice, we would rather have what we consider a do follow link. We'll talk about that in a second, but it's unnatural if all of our links are, do follows. So we'll, we'll talk about that here in just a second. The next is REL equals UGC or user generated content equal to the no-follow. That means it does not pass any link equity through the URL. What it's doing is it's telling Google that you are intentionally placing that content there in, and therefore you're telling it to omit the link equity on it. Don't, don't use this tag. It is a violation of Google's terms and conditions to go create your own content and backlink to your own websites. And so if you're following it by the book, then you need to use either the REL equals UGC or the next one that we'll talk about. But you're going to really hinder your ability to rank because your backlinks are all going to be, they're not going to pass any link equity and similar to UGC or user generated content is sponsored. It is against the terms and conditions of Google to pay for link placement to an external site. If you do pay to have it listed, like for instance, in a directory, you are supposed to have REL equals sponsored, which indicates to Google you're paying for that placement. It does not pass any link equity, which would help with your domain authority. And therefore you're not in violation, but similar to those it doesn't pass any link equity, so we're not gonna use it. And if there is an absence of any of these no follow UGC or sponsored, then that's what we call a do follow link. There's no such thing as a tag that says, do follow Google just assumes or any bot just assumes that it should follow the links unless there's a tag specifically telling it not to. But since there is no tag that, that warrants that, that you know, term, we just call it a do follow link. If it doesn't have any of these three tags in it. And so you can see if you look at the source code, I just included a link that I had posted on Facebook to an article. And you see where it says, REL equals no follow. It also has no opener. It's just cause opening in a new window. And so it's, it's doing something different, but again, the three main ones that we're concerned with this one is a REL equals no follow. Sometimes you might see that as the user G the user generated content or sponsored, this is telling it's not passing any link equity from Facebook to the article that I had posted, or the link that I had posted. But again, it is unnatural if all of your links are, do follow links. So you know, that doesn't mean that we would prefer to have, do follow, but it doesn't mean that you should skip posting links on Facebook because the user traffic certainly helps as well. So that is the three parts of the anatomy of a link. The next thing I want to talk about some basic terms for back linking. So we have what's called internal links and external links. Internal links are basically where your domain links to another page within your domain. In other words ninja marketing solutions is pointing to another page within ninja marketing solutions. That's an internal link versus an external link where ninja marketing solutions links to something that is not ninja marketing solutions, or if a, another site we're linking into ninja marketing solutions that is called an external link. And when an external link points to your site, whether it's your homepage or whether it's a page you're trying to rank or an article you've written, whatever it is when an external link points back to your site that is called a back link. Next is Google's page rank. Page rank is this metric that Google uses. They used to it used to be a, probably the heaviest ranking indicator or ranking signal that Google uses, but basically it's a metric that they use to understand the overall authoritative strength of a page. It is loosely speaking, what everybody else models their domain authority ratings after. But page rank is generally it is scored on a zero to 10 versus like domain authority, which we'll get to in just a second is essentially on a score of zero to 100 page rank plays a lot into consideration. Loosely speaking is basically a combination of the quality and quantity of backlinks Google used page rank, because it assumed that the more other websites were linking to your page. The more authoritative you must be on a given topic because other places are finding useful information from you that leads us into domain authority. Domain authority is a vanity metric. It was originated by MAs MAs, SEMrush, majestic, all of them have their own versions of essentially what page rank is to Google. It's, it's essentially your domain or your page. If you're using page store instead of domain authority, it's essentially your domains page rank, but with other metrics. So I'm oversimplifying this, but one way you can think about it is the domain age, how old it is, plus the backlink accumulation versus similar sites in your industry, right? So if you are in a plumbing industry, it wants to compare the number, the quality and quantity of links that you have, your backlink accumulation compared to other plumbers. It wouldn't be fair to compare you to, you know, personal injury attorneys. They're just two very different industries. So domain authority or page authority is generally the domain age plus backlink accumulation. That is at the domain level. If you were using page at the authority, it is one specific page within the domain. And then lastly, the last topic we want to cover link placement, the link placement of a back link has direct correlation in the amount of link equity that it will pass. If you have a lot of back links on a page, you are dis you are distributing a lot of link equity all around, so it dilutes it. So if you've got a bunch of backlinks that dilutes it, versus if you only have one or two it's passing a lot of link equity from whatever domain is linking out to whatever is linking to also known as the destination and the placement in the page has a lot to do with that. If it's a prominent link that's displayed in an article like in the top of the article, then Google considers that to be a very prominent placement versus something random that's down in the footer of the template, so to speak. So we want our links in short, we want our links to be, do follow. We would like them to be prominently placed inside of an article for us. It's like a review article. We would like it if the anchor text included keywords if not, we'd like branded backlinks and we would like them to be from high authoritative sites. So your backlink accumulation, if you're accumulating you know, sites from somebody's personal WordPress blog, that's probably not as good as if you could get a link from like Fox business or something like that. So I hope that helps us some basic terminology with that terminology in mind, we're going to look at internal versus external backlinking strategies.
Hey guys, I wanted to talk to you at length about some more relevant topics when it comes to local SEO link building strategies and how we can find opportunities to build quality backlinks. What is, what is a quality backlink? How do we know if what we're chasing after is a quality backlink, et cetera. So I want to dive in and give you some real world examples and help you understand what we're looking for. So let's, let's take a look when we're looking for backlinks to our local businesses. And I'm going to say site, but keep in mind any of these could be your money site. So it might be your GMB listing or your Google business profile. It might be your actual domain name, et cetera. If these are going to end up being tier two links, it might be a link to a tier one link. Most of what we're going to be talking about ideally would be a tier one link, but just keep in mind that when I say we're trying to boost up something, it's not necessarily just your money site, your money site could be like your Google business listing. So when we're looking for backlinks to that money site there are three primary criteria that we're looking for to make a good back link. And so we're going to take them piece by piece. It's great to get all three. It's good to get even just two out of the three and it's even, it's even good to get one out of the three. So let's take a look at them. The first one that we want to consider is authority and authority is like your domain authority or your page authority. It's a vanity metric Mazda zit. There's a Google it's based off Google's old page rank, which is still used, but basically it's an accumulation. It's a, it's a, it's a combination of your domain age and your backlink profile. And your backlink profile is basically considered how strong the links are to your site versus other sites like yours. And so the accumulation of number and quality of backlinks helps make up your domain authority. If those links are pointing to a specific page within your site, that's page authority. So you're going to hear me talking about authority. It can be at the domain level, it can be at the page level it's for the purposes of today's conversation at a conceptual level they're interchangeable. We're just looking for authoritative backlinks. And so the higher, the domain authority is from the site that is linking to us the better it is for us. That makes sense. Right? So if Fox news were to link to you, that is a lot better than John Doe's, WordPress blog linking to you because it has high domain authority. So I'll have some common authority sources that we could target our directories things like yellow pages, if they're getting indexed and they are, do follow links also for the purpose of this conversation, everything we're going to talk about, we're going to assume is they do follow link. If it's not a do follow link, sometimes they're still worth getting, we've covered that in other discussions. We're going to hope that everything here is a do follow link, but directories, we could, we could certainly target some directories for authority, podcasts, or influencers if if they're giving us a shout out and a link that that can be really helpful interviews. Interviews can be online interviews. They can be video interviews like they can be anything you want in an interview. And it's very similar to like a podcast Herro was you will hear as Herro or horo. It is an acronym. It stands for help a reporter out. It is very, very similar to an interview, but the way you, the way it works is you actually go to help a reporter.com. And there's a couple of other versions of it, but help a reporter.com is one of the more common ones and what's happening is there's somebody that's trying to write an article. And you know, a journalist is trying to write an article about some topic and you can go in there and see the topic they're trying to write about. And if you're an authority on that topic. So for instance, if there was somebody writing an article about how because of COVID, everything has gone to digital. And so digital marketing is now a more impactful for businesses. They might want to interview me for insights into digital marketing. And if they do what they will do is they will give you a link to your site, a back link. And those are usually done from very high domain authority sites. I have seen people that get links this way from places like Forbes and Fox news and Fox business, and like huge places like that. The domain authority on those can be a game changer for your site in very short order. So that is another way it's, it's in the same vein as the interview, but you're actually bidding on it and you have to write like a little sales pitch on why you're an authority and the topic you might discuss with them. And that becomes the help, a reporter out method. You can get some really high domain authority backlinks that way. The next thing that we want to talk about the next contributing factor to our link equity is known as geographic relevancy. See, keep in mind, we're talking about local SEO. So your local business proximity is king. If I Google best pizza near me, they're not going to show me pizzas. I'm in Athens, Georgia. They're not going to show me pizza from Chicago though. Chicago deep dish pizzas may be better than what we have in Athens, Georgia. They're not going to show me that because it's, the proximity is not relevant. It's not geographically relevant to my location. So we want to keep that in mind when we're trying to get back links, some examples of some areas we might look for that would be local sponsorships. You can go on and you can find you know, places that you can sponsor something local, either a highway or even a, you know, like a sports league or something like that, boys and girls club and get a backlink from these organizations because you are you are getting that, that sponsorship. And so one way to do this is actually to go and to your local newspapers website and find areas where they are linking out, especially if they're do follow links and find out what it takes to get into that section. A lot of times it can be like a $50 sponsorship. And if that gets indexed, that can be a very geographically relevant backlink for you local organizations, that's the same vein as what we just talked about, but maybe that sponsorship, like let's say we're sponsoring a boy scout troop or something like that. We do $150 donation. The local sponsorship might get picked up in the paper, which is kind of what we just talked about. And it might also get picked up on their local you know, website or their, their sub domain or whatever it is that the organization uses that can be very geographically relevant as well. Local directories, for instance, I live in Athens, Georgia live local. Athens is a directory of businesses within Athens that are locally owned. That can be a relevant back link as well, geographically relevant backlink as well. So we've talked about authority, we've talked about geographic relevancy and there are some times that we can target links that meet both. They fall in this area right here. They're both, they both have high authority and they are geographically relevant. So some examples of that, that we would be targeting might be your local chamber of commerce, especially if they've got, do follow links. That one's an easy one. All you got to do is join the chamber. You're almost guaranteed a link from that. A local BNI chapter be an I as business, a business networking international. It's very similar to a chamber of commerce. But it restricts industry types to one like there would only be one digital marketer in the group or one plumber, one electrician, whatever. But they almost always have a local you know, page and you will get a back link from it, local newspapers. We've kind of already talked about that, but a local newspaper like USA today or Fox five Atlanta, if you're in like Atlanta area, your local newspaper will almost always have an online version of their newspaper. And so you can get sourced out from the online version of their local newspapers, local websites, guest posting is a big way to to get a back link. And so if you are on a local website and you are like a sponsored speaker at an event as an example. So one of the big charities that the JCS group does here is they do a better business. It's a big event. It's like a trade show kind of, and they will have local speakers. Those speakers will actually get a they'll get a back link on the page when it talks about them being their speaker profile, right? So authority, geographic relevance. The next thing we want to talk about is contextual relevance. This is the third and final one. Contextual relevance means that like, if I was trying to rank a local plumber, it wouldn't do me a lot of good to, I mean, I guess a better than nothing, but it's not contextually relevant to get a backlink from a blog that talks all about birdwatching or something like that. I want it to be contextually relevant and it doesn't have to be a direct relevancy. So like, as an example, if you owned a pastry shop and you do some catering getting a link from a wedding venue, that's contextually relevant because you would cater weddings, right? Same if you were a flower shop, a wedding venue, that's an easy example, but like birdwatching blog linking to a, an electrician probably doesn't have much to do with it. And so it's less contextually relevant. So some examples might be national associations vague or generic online directories that are specific to your, your industry. A lot of times those two go hand in hand like a plumber's union or something like that. If you had a national association of photographers if you're a dog trainer and you wanted to do the AKC it's, it's contextually relevant might even have authority, but it doesn't have much geographic relevance niche specific forums. This is a lot where for digital marketing, we capitalize on this all the time. It's where we would go on there. And we would we would post information that is relevant to our industry, even though it's not necessarily geographically relevant. And ideally our do follow links would be in the middle of all three. They would actually be in this little area right here where they would have contextual relevance, geographic, relevance, and high authority. Now, again, we talked in the beginning about how it's great to have all three it's worth doing. If you only have two, it's still worth doing, if you only have one, but ideally we'd like to go for all three with our do follow tier one backlinks. So where do we find those? Let's take some look at some examples, some low hanging fruits, some easy foundational backlinking is things like local niche directories and Atlanta photography associations. I Googled that I know nothing about photography. I found like 13 of them off the bat that all had do follow links. So joining one of those associations gets you a back link that meets all three. You can check their domain authority, but especially if it's higher than yours, you're going to meet all three of the criteria. That's great blog and review style articles. And a lot of times you'll find these a, these might even be in a local newspaper, but it would be something that's like top five cigar shops in Atlanta, top five Italian restaurants and Dunwoody, whatever. A lot of times you can say best whatever number. So if you're Googling it, you could do like best wild card industry near me. So best wildcard means it doesn't matter if it's 5, 7, 10, whatever, best wildcard plumbers near me, and you'll might see review articles best cigar shops, whatever you'll see review articles. And then you can contact the author of that review article and say, it's unfortunate that we weren't we weren't in included in this, could you either update your article or maybe we'd offer you, like, if you were a cigar shop, maybe we'd offer you a private tour of the shop and you know, give them a free tasting of a cigar or something like that. If they will come to your shop and review you a lot of times, they will. Next is like white papers or case studies. This is huge. We've, we've done really well with this. A lot of times, the way that I like to do this with, with local clients is we have access to local university, university of Georgia's minutes for me. And then in Atlanta, you've got Kennesaw state, Georgia tech, Georgia state. There's a lot of of universities here. Universities have grad students, they have to write thesis papers. So one way that you can do this is an example would be a white paper on how tax changes in Fulton county might dictate how you choose an accountant. Obviously I would be trying to rank a local accountant in Atlanta. And so I would have my accountant be that, that domain authority expert, that industry expert, where they would be quoted in that white paper, that white paper would end up being published on in this example, like Georgia state's EDU website, it's high, high domain relevancy domain authority, it's contextually, it's geographically relevant story about Fulton county, which is in Atlanta. It's awesome way to do it. I've had really good success with that. And then one of the most common ways is general press releases. If you were to release something in this case, the tax shelters, local accounting group, if you said the tax shelter is hiring for CPAs in Athens, Georgia, you could probably get that involved in some local websites especially if they were like new sites, things like that. You can get some, some good backlinks from press releases that, that are great. So tax shelters is expanding, opening up a new location, hiring changing his name, bought a company, any kind of relevant information that you can put in a press release. And there's all kinds of companies that do press release services. I highly advise you to just Google tax a tax shelter to Google, like press release service, and you'll find, you'll find plenty of them. So link building opportunities as a recap, and then we're going to look at some specific tactics. So as a recap from the concepts, you can join your local chamber of commerce or BNI chapter. That's great opportunity. Join a niche relevant business association, like the example we talked about of Atlanta photography associations. You can look for directories and citation listings. We're going to go through an ample amount of those and link to the best tool that I have found for that. You look for guest posts on local websites. That's an excellent way to do it. You can try to get featured on local list posts like top five, whatever in your area. And you can look at your competitor's backlinks. You can do some competitive research and see where they are getting backlinks from. And we're going to show you a cool tool and how to use it there as well. But if you find somebody that is listing out your competitors and they might be in those the, the local list posts like top five cigar shops in Atlanta, if you find where your competitors are getting backlinks from, you'll likely run across a lot of these, and you'll find some low-hanging fruit on how you can start picking away at that. So that is just an overview of what we're looking for in our backlink profile. Now let's take a look at where we can specifically go start building those links from a foundational backlink all the way into competition research. So we can figure out where it is that we need to start targeting links to our site from to build that domain authority. Thanks guys.
As a general concept of anything regarding backlinks or internal linking, just basically creating hyperlinks. I wanted to go over some basics of terminology, just so we're all using the same vocabulary, so to speak. So when you are looking at the three parts of the anatomy of a link, I want to break that down for you. So there's the destination, which is basically just what it sounds like. It's where the link is pointing to. And so you might have an, like a length, that's a hyperlink like this, and it's pointing to that page, right? So that is the destination of this link. So the destination is just the page that it's pointing to. Okay. The next thing you want to look at is the anchor text and anchor text is the words that are highlighted, that become the link itself. So when you are creating anchor link text, a lot of times you want to use keywords that you're trying to rank for. And there's three different types of more or less anchor link texts. So the three types are a keyword, a back link, which an example would be like white label, digital marketing solutions, or white labeled digital marketing tools. And you see if you hover over the link and you look down just below my face, you'll see that it's pointing to ninja marketing dust solutions. That would be a keyword rich back link, right? That anchor tag, the anchor text is it includes keywords that I want to rank for. The next one is a branded back link, which is just the name of your company. And then it points to the URL. So in this case, ninja marketing solutions, and then what's known as a naked naked URL. Backlink is just the actual roll URL that you're pointing to. It's just the destination without any kind of like anchor text in its place. It's just called a naked URL. Backlink you want to have a healthy mix of these. It looks unnatural if you're just using keyword stuffing techniques for your backlinks. And especially if they're all the exact same thing, it just looks unnatural to Google. So you want to have a good, healthy mix of these when you start creating these backlinks it just looks more natural the way it would actually occur if you weren't actually trying to make it occur. And the last thing that we want to talk about is the REL tag. Now there's three primary identifiers in a REL tag that we want to look at. There's actually more than three, but the three that matter for the backlinking strategies are the no-follow, which basically tells the bot in this case, we're just going to assume you're trying to rank in Google. And so the Google bot it's telling you do not follow this link. Don't provide any link equity or link juice to the destination of this URL of this hyperlink. This is extremely common in social media. So if you post a link on Facebook or whatever that is not going to have it's, it's going to be a no-follow link. In other words, it's not going to pass any link equity. Now, as a side note on that, Google has said that they will still sometimes follow the link. They just don't know. They don't necessarily apply any link equity to it, but a lot of times they will follow it as a hint for what the URL is about what the, the actual link is. So it, it's, it's really unnatural looking if you have no links that are no follow, because any healthy business, any prominent brand is going to have, especially a lot of social media mentions. And so when you have links on social media, those create no follow links. Now they don't pass any link equity. So if we have our choice, we would rather have what we consider a do follow link. We'll talk about that in a second, but it's unnatural if all of our links are, do follows. So we'll, we'll talk about that here in just a second. The next is REL equals UGC or user generated content equal to the no-follow. That means it does not pass any link equity through the URL. What it's doing is it's telling Google that you are intentionally placing that content there in, and therefore you're telling it to omit the link equity on it. Don't, don't use this tag. It is a violation of Google's terms and conditions to go create your own content and backlink to your own websites. And so if you're following it by the book, then you need to use either the REL equals UGC or the next one that we'll talk about. But you're going to really hinder your ability to rank because your backlinks are all going to be, they're not going to pass any link equity and similar to UGC or user generated content is sponsored. It is against the terms and conditions of Google to pay for link placement to an external site. If you do pay to have it listed, like for instance, in a directory, you are supposed to have REL equals sponsored, which indicates to Google you're paying for that placement. It does not pass any link equity, which would help with your domain authority. And therefore you're not in violation, but similar to those it doesn't pass any link equity, so we're not gonna use it. And if there is an absence of any of these no follow UGC or sponsored, then that's what we call a do follow link. There's no such thing as a tag that says, do follow Google just assumes or any bot just assumes that it should follow the links unless there's a tag specifically telling it not to. But since there is no tag that, that warrants that, that you know, term, we just call it a do follow link. If it doesn't have any of these three tags in it. And so you can see if you look at the source code, I just included a link that I had posted on Facebook to an article. And you see where it says, REL equals no follow. It also has no opener. It's just cause opening in a new window. And so it's, it's doing something different, but again, the three main ones that we're concerned with this one is a REL equals no follow. Sometimes you might see that as the user G the user generated content or sponsored, this is telling it's not passing any link equity from Facebook to the article that I had posted, or the link that I had posted. But again, it is unnatural if all of your links are, do follow links. So you know, that doesn't mean that we would prefer to have, do follow, but it doesn't mean that you should skip posting links on Facebook because the user traffic certainly helps as well. So that is the three parts of the anatomy of a link. The next thing I want to talk about some basic terms for back linking. So we have what's called internal links and external links. Internal links are basically where your domain links to another page within your domain. In other words ninja marketing solutions is pointing to another page within ninja marketing solutions. That's an internal link versus an external link where ninja marketing solutions links to something that is not ninja marketing solutions, or if a, another site we're linking into ninja marketing solutions that is called an external link. And when an external link points to your site, whether it's your homepage or whether it's a page you're trying to rank or an article you've written, whatever it is when an external link points back to your site that is called a back link. Next is Google's page rank. Page rank is this metric that Google uses. They used to it used to be a, probably the heaviest ranking indicator or ranking signal that Google uses, but basically it's a metric that they use to understand the overall authoritative strength of a page. It is loosely speaking, what everybody else models their domain authority ratings after. But page rank is generally it is scored on a zero to 10 versus like domain authority, which we'll get to in just a second is essentially on a score of zero to 100 page rank plays a lot into consideration. Loosely speaking is basically a combination of the quality and quantity of backlinks Google used page rank, because it assumed that the more other websites were linking to your page. The more authoritative you must be on a given topic because other places are finding useful information from you that leads us into domain authority. Domain authority is a vanity metric. It was originated by MAs MAs, SEMrush, majestic, all of them have their own versions of essentially what page rank is to Google. It's, it's essentially your domain or your page. If you're using page store instead of domain authority, it's essentially your domains page rank, but with other metrics. So I'm oversimplifying this, but one way you can think about it is the domain age, how old it is, plus the backlink accumulation versus similar sites in your industry, right? So if you are in a plumbing industry, it wants to compare the number, the quality and quantity of links that you have, your backlink accumulation compared to other plumbers. It wouldn't be fair to compare you to, you know, personal injury attorneys. They're just two very different industries. So domain authority or page authority is generally the domain age plus backlink accumulation. That is at the domain level. If you were using page at the authority, it is one specific page within the domain. And then lastly, the last topic we want to cover link placement, the link placement of a back link has direct correlation in the amount of link equity that it will pass. If you have a lot of back links on a page, you are dis you are distributing a lot of link equity all around, so it dilutes it. So if you've got a bunch of backlinks that dilutes it, versus if you only have one or two it's passing a lot of link equity from whatever domain is linking out to whatever is linking to also known as the destination and the placement in the page has a lot to do with that. If it's a prominent link that's displayed in an article like in the top of the article, then Google considers that to be a very prominent placement versus something random that's down in the footer of the template, so to speak. So we want our links in short, we want our links to be, do follow. We would like them to be prominently placed inside of an article for us. It's like a review article. We would like it if the anchor text included keywords if not, we'd like branded backlinks and we would like them to be from high authoritative sites. So your backlink accumulation, if you're accumulating you know, sites from somebody's personal WordPress blog, that's probably not as good as if you could get a link from like Fox business or something like that. So I hope that helps us some basic terminology with that terminology in mind, we're going to look at internal versus external backlinking strategies.
Hey guys, I wanted to talk to you at length about some more relevant topics when it comes to local SEO link building strategies and how we can find opportunities to build quality backlinks. What is, what is a quality backlink? How do we know if what we're chasing after is a quality backlink, et cetera. So I want to dive in and give you some real world examples and help you understand what we're looking for. So let's, let's take a look when we're looking for backlinks to our local businesses. And I'm going to say site, but keep in mind any of these could be your money site. So it might be your GMB listing or your Google business profile. It might be your actual domain name, et cetera. If these are going to end up being tier two links, it might be a link to a tier one link. Most of what we're going to be talking about ideally would be a tier one link, but just keep in mind that when I say we're trying to boost up something, it's not necessarily just your money site, your money site could be like your Google business listing. So when we're looking for backlinks to that money site there are three primary criteria that we're looking for to make a good back link. And so we're going to take them piece by piece. It's great to get all three. It's good to get even just two out of the three and it's even, it's even good to get one out of the three. So let's take a look at them. The first one that we want to consider is authority and authority is like your domain authority or your page authority. It's a vanity metric Mazda zit. There's a Google it's based off Google's old page rank, which is still used, but basically it's an accumulation. It's a, it's a, it's a combination of your domain age and your backlink profile. And your backlink profile is basically considered how strong the links are to your site versus other sites like yours. And so the accumulation of number and quality of backlinks helps make up your domain authority. If those links are pointing to a specific page within your site, that's page authority. So you're going to hear me talking about authority. It can be at the domain level, it can be at the page level it's for the purposes of today's conversation at a conceptual level they're interchangeable. We're just looking for authoritative backlinks. And so the higher, the domain authority is from the site that is linking to us the better it is for us. That makes sense. Right? So if Fox news were to link to you, that is a lot better than John Doe's, WordPress blog linking to you because it has high domain authority. So I'll have some common authority sources that we could target our directories things like yellow pages, if they're getting indexed and they are, do follow links also for the purpose of this conversation, everything we're going to talk about, we're going to assume is they do follow link. If it's not a do follow link, sometimes they're still worth getting, we've covered that in other discussions. We're going to hope that everything here is a do follow link, but directories, we could, we could certainly target some directories for authority, podcasts, or influencers if if they're giving us a shout out and a link that that can be really helpful interviews. Interviews can be online interviews. They can be video interviews like they can be anything you want in an interview. And it's very similar to like a podcast Herro was you will hear as Herro or horo. It is an acronym. It stands for help a reporter out. It is very, very similar to an interview, but the way you, the way it works is you actually go to help a reporter.com. And there's a couple of other versions of it, but help a reporter.com is one of the more common ones and what's happening is there's somebody that's trying to write an article. And you know, a journalist is trying to write an article about some topic and you can go in there and see the topic they're trying to write about. And if you're an authority on that topic. So for instance, if there was somebody writing an article about how because of COVID, everything has gone to digital. And so digital marketing is now a more impactful for businesses. They might want to interview me for insights into digital marketing. And if they do what they will do is they will give you a link to your site, a back link. And those are usually done from very high domain authority sites. I have seen people that get links this way from places like Forbes and Fox news and Fox business, and like huge places like that. The domain authority on those can be a game changer for your site in very short order. So that is another way it's, it's in the same vein as the interview, but you're actually bidding on it and you have to write like a little sales pitch on why you're an authority and the topic you might discuss with them. And that becomes the help, a reporter out method. You can get some really high domain authority backlinks that way. The next thing that we want to talk about the next contributing factor to our link equity is known as geographic relevancy. See, keep in mind, we're talking about local SEO. So your local business proximity is king. If I Google best pizza near me, they're not going to show me pizzas. I'm in Athens, Georgia. They're not going to show me pizza from Chicago though. Chicago deep dish pizzas may be better than what we have in Athens, Georgia. They're not going to show me that because it's, the proximity is not relevant. It's not geographically relevant to my location. So we want to keep that in mind when we're trying to get back links, some examples of some areas we might look for that would be local sponsorships. You can go on and you can find you know, places that you can sponsor something local, either a highway or even a, you know, like a sports league or something like that, boys and girls club and get a backlink from these organizations because you are you are getting that, that sponsorship. And so one way to do this is actually to go and to your local newspapers website and find areas where they are linking out, especially if they're do follow links and find out what it takes to get into that section. A lot of times it can be like a $50 sponsorship. And if that gets indexed, that can be a very geographically relevant backlink for you local organizations, that's the same vein as what we just talked about, but maybe that sponsorship, like let's say we're sponsoring a boy scout troop or something like that. We do $150 donation. The local sponsorship might get picked up in the paper, which is kind of what we just talked about. And it might also get picked up on their local you know, website or their, their sub domain or whatever it is that the organization uses that can be very geographically relevant as well. Local directories, for instance, I live in Athens, Georgia live local. Athens is a directory of businesses within Athens that are locally owned. That can be a relevant back link as well, geographically relevant backlink as well. So we've talked about authority, we've talked about geographic relevancy and there are some times that we can target links that meet both. They fall in this area right here. They're both, they both have high authority and they are geographically relevant. So some examples of that, that we would be targeting might be your local chamber of commerce, especially if they've got, do follow links. That one's an easy one. All you got to do is join the chamber. You're almost guaranteed a link from that. A local BNI chapter be an I as business, a business networking international. It's very similar to a chamber of commerce. But it restricts industry types to one like there would only be one digital marketer in the group or one plumber, one electrician, whatever. But they almost always have a local you know, page and you will get a back link from it, local newspapers. We've kind of already talked about that, but a local newspaper like USA today or Fox five Atlanta, if you're in like Atlanta area, your local newspaper will almost always have an online version of their newspaper. And so you can get sourced out from the online version of their local newspapers, local websites, guest posting is a big way to to get a back link. And so if you are on a local website and you are like a sponsored speaker at an event as an example. So one of the big charities that the JCS group does here is they do a better business. It's a big event. It's like a trade show kind of, and they will have local speakers. Those speakers will actually get a they'll get a back link on the page when it talks about them being their speaker profile, right? So authority, geographic relevance. The next thing we want to talk about is contextual relevance. This is the third and final one. Contextual relevance means that like, if I was trying to rank a local plumber, it wouldn't do me a lot of good to, I mean, I guess a better than nothing, but it's not contextually relevant to get a backlink from a blog that talks all about birdwatching or something like that. I want it to be contextually relevant and it doesn't have to be a direct relevancy. So like, as an example, if you owned a pastry shop and you do some catering getting a link from a wedding venue, that's contextually relevant because you would cater weddings, right? Same if you were a flower shop, a wedding venue, that's an easy example, but like birdwatching blog linking to a, an electrician probably doesn't have much to do with it. And so it's less contextually relevant. So some examples might be national associations vague or generic online directories that are specific to your, your industry. A lot of times those two go hand in hand like a plumber's union or something like that. If you had a national association of photographers if you're a dog trainer and you wanted to do the AKC it's, it's contextually relevant might even have authority, but it doesn't have much geographic relevance niche specific forums. This is a lot where for digital marketing, we capitalize on this all the time. It's where we would go on there. And we would we would post information that is relevant to our industry, even though it's not necessarily geographically relevant. And ideally our do follow links would be in the middle of all three. They would actually be in this little area right here where they would have contextual relevance, geographic, relevance, and high authority. Now, again, we talked in the beginning about how it's great to have all three it's worth doing. If you only have two, it's still worth doing, if you only have one, but ideally we'd like to go for all three with our do follow tier one backlinks. So where do we find those? Let's take some look at some examples, some low hanging fruits, some easy foundational backlinking is things like local niche directories and Atlanta photography associations. I Googled that I know nothing about photography. I found like 13 of them off the bat that all had do follow links. So joining one of those associations gets you a back link that meets all three. You can check their domain authority, but especially if it's higher than yours, you're going to meet all three of the criteria. That's great blog and review style articles. And a lot of times you'll find these a, these might even be in a local newspaper, but it would be something that's like top five cigar shops in Atlanta, top five Italian restaurants and Dunwoody, whatever. A lot of times you can say best whatever number. So if you're Googling it, you could do like best wild card industry near me. So best wildcard means it doesn't matter if it's 5, 7, 10, whatever, best wildcard plumbers near me, and you'll might see review articles best cigar shops, whatever you'll see review articles. And then you can contact the author of that review article and say, it's unfortunate that we weren't we weren't in included in this, could you either update your article or maybe we'd offer you, like, if you were a cigar shop, maybe we'd offer you a private tour of the shop and you know, give them a free tasting of a cigar or something like that. If they will come to your shop and review you a lot of times, they will. Next is like white papers or case studies. This is huge. We've, we've done really well with this. A lot of times, the way that I like to do this with, with local clients is we have access to local university, university of Georgia's minutes for me. And then in Atlanta, you've got Kennesaw state, Georgia tech, Georgia state. There's a lot of of universities here. Universities have grad students, they have to write thesis papers. So one way that you can do this is an example would be a white paper on how tax changes in Fulton county might dictate how you choose an accountant. Obviously I would be trying to rank a local accountant in Atlanta. And so I would have my accountant be that, that domain authority expert, that industry expert, where they would be quoted in that white paper, that white paper would end up being published on in this example, like Georgia state's EDU website, it's high, high domain relevancy domain authority, it's contextually, it's geographically relevant story about Fulton county, which is in Atlanta. It's awesome way to do it. I've had really good success with that. And then one of the most common ways is general press releases. If you were to release something in this case, the tax shelters, local accounting group, if you said the tax shelter is hiring for CPAs in Athens, Georgia, you could probably get that involved in some local websites especially if they were like new sites, things like that. You can get some, some good backlinks from press releases that, that are great. So tax shelters is expanding, opening up a new location, hiring changing his name, bought a company, any kind of relevant information that you can put in a press release. And there's all kinds of companies that do press release services. I highly advise you to just Google tax a tax shelter to Google, like press release service, and you'll find, you'll find plenty of them. So link building opportunities as a recap, and then we're going to look at some specific tactics. So as a recap from the concepts, you can join your local chamber of commerce or BNI chapter. That's great opportunity. Join a niche relevant business association, like the example we talked about of Atlanta photography associations. You can look for directories and citation listings. We're going to go through an ample amount of those and link to the best tool that I have found for that. You look for guest posts on local websites. That's an excellent way to do it. You can try to get featured on local list posts like top five, whatever in your area. And you can look at your competitor's backlinks. You can do some competitive research and see where they are getting backlinks from. And we're going to show you a cool tool and how to use it there as well. But if you find somebody that is listing out your competitors and they might be in those the, the local list posts like top five cigar shops in Atlanta, if you find where your competitors are getting backlinks from, you'll likely run across a lot of these, and you'll find some low-hanging fruit on how you can start picking away at that. So that is just an overview of what we're looking for in our backlink profile. Now let's take a look at where we can specifically go start building those links from a foundational backlink all the way into competition research. So we can figure out where it is that we need to start targeting links to our site from to build that domain authority. Thanks guys.
3 Parts of the Anatomy of a Link
The destination is the actual URL that the backlink is linking out to. For instance, the destination of THIS link is https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q107419868. Basically, it's the recipient of the backlink.
Some Basic Terms for Backlinking
Internal / External Linking
Internal linking is when a page from within a domain links to another page within that same domain. For instance, we could internally link to our Ultimate Guide to Local Keyword and Competition Research as an example of an internal link.
External linking is when a page links out to a page on a different site. For instance, we could externally link out to Wikipedia's page about Search Engine Optimization.
Where Can We Find These Links?
Now that you have basic understanding of linking strategies, let's take a look at where some specific oppotunities exist for you to be able to start building these links. Some are easy, and some are hard to get. As with many things in life- the harder ones to get are generally much more valuable for you Domain and Page Authority.
All right. Thanks for sticking with us so far. We are going to look at some specific tactics of where we can go find some backlinks, both that we can steal from our competitors, and that we can look for foundational link building. These are going to coincide with opportunities for you to link as a tier one link or a tier two link to help power up those tier one links. We'll talk about that in a different video. That'll be on this tutorial page. If you're watching it on our page, if you're not click the link in the description where you can actually go to the page and see the full tutorial, we'll have links to all the different tools that we're talking about. We'll have links to other tutorials that we've used for research. It's just going to be an awesome way for you to get everything all in one spot with that let's get started. What I've done is just to make this fun. I have looked for top five cigar shops in Atlanta, Georgia. And another one of our videos in this tutorial, we talked about how it was a fantastic way to find opportunities. So and looking for somebody we were going to link or we're going to act like we were going to rank, I'm just going to go down. And I saw this one is just what reached out to me and I clicked on it best five, best, 15 best place for cigars, whatever. So I looked into it and took the first one Highland cigar company. I've never heard of any of these, so I'm not trying to pick on or help any of these companies. But that was the first one that I just chose. I found this was there a website. And so I'm going to use two different tools. I'm going to go with first off showing you where we can take a look at our competition and or where things are being ranked for from, and then second off we can look at our foundational link building. So let's assume that Highland cigar company is our competition. And let's assume that we are actually like I don't know, one of these not even listed it. We're a Richard cigar company right now, and I'm doing research on Highland cigar. What I'm going to do is come into link minor. There's a link to this below. I'm going to just copy and paste their domain. Hit go. It's going to show me their citation flow, their trust flow. That's from majestic. It's going to show me all these different backlinks, the number of different backlinks. I can uncheck this and see every link that the domains that are referring will will feed back to us. But right now I'm just going to leave this checked so that it gives us a little more manageable set of information. Now, check this out. I am most concerned with active links that are, do follow links, right? That's the lowest hanging fruit where it's going to make the fastest impact for me, if I'm just getting started on Richard cigar shop. And I'm trying to see where I can pick off some low hanging fruit from Highland cigar company. This is how I would do it. I would filter those results. I want to see only the active and I'm most interested in the do follow. And now here's an entire list, right? So what am I do is say let's look@exploreatl.com, explore atl.com. There's the link to it. And the preview. You can also click on that and get the desktop version of the preview, but explore atl.com looks like it would have a lot of geographical relevance. That's we talked about what we're for in a good back link profile. This is going to be high. It, this is going to be a high geographic relevance. And we would see that in here, this is the link where they, where they had posted it right in this area, Highland, cigar company right here. So we could go back through and we could check out that and see what's the domain authority for it. Is it one that we want to look at? There's a couple different tools that you can use to look up domain authority, but right now you just see the citation flow for that as a 20 trust flow is a nine. Like you can, you can go through these metrics and see what they all are external links from the page. I want that. Ideally, I want them to be low and I want this to be high because what this means is how many other people are they linking to? Like there's 89 outbound links from this page, right? If that was five outbound links and I was one of them, it's passing more link equity from these high numbers. So but anyway, it probably is pretty easy to get listed in, explore ATL. Another one would be emperor cut. It looks like they've got it looks like they've got a, a backlink coming out of here. Sometimes the popups mess with the little previews, but it's the same concept, right? They've got a 19, you can even sort by these, if that makes it easier for you. But I would just go through here and I would get Atlanta cigar week.com. ACW Atlanta cigar week events, right? So this was an event they either sponsored or attended. And so they got a back link from it that, that gives you a lot of opportunities for us to go looking for it. And you can also see the anchor text and our video where we talk about the you know, three parts of the anatomy of a backlink the anchor text is like the, the verbiage. And so like here, it's linking to Highland cigar company. This one's actually linking from an image. Sometimes you might see like best cigar or whatever that, that gives you some contextual relevance view website. That's probably going to be some kind of directory listing because their link is view website. I think we broke the thing. We broke the preview. It doesn't matter. This page right here is this tool is just awesome for being able to find that sometimes if you really want to get into the weeds for it too, you can go into their last profile and you can rerun the search and you can see what's anything they've recently lost. And if they've recently lost it, either the, the actual article dropped off, which is the most common case, or maybe they got removed from it. And maybe that'd be a good person to reach out to and say, listen, I see your article. Maybe it was a dead back link. And so if you'd like a replacement, I hear is a better article or a better source of information. So link miner is an awesome way to find these opportunities, especially from competition. You can also do the exact same thing with site profiler, if you're trying to get a better understanding. And by the way, when we were talking about how we could look at the links, you can put them into into site profiler, and it will actually tell you the domain authority as well, which comes from MAs page authority, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But anyway, a section of this is the back links. It kind of gives you a graphical representation of it. And then it gives you the top referring domains of who is reaching back out to this domain right here. So I hope that helps. This is a great set of tools. There's a link below to it. I use this daily when I'm looking for backlink opportunities between link minor and site profile, or you really get a good feel for this. And we already talked in our, in a different tutorial altogether about how you can do some really good keyword research with this tool as well, love this tool, highly recommend it. That's definitely one way to find opportunities from competition. Now let's take a look at some other ways where it does not matter your competition or not. This is called link chest. It is fantastic. It at the time of this video, it's only like 120, $129, something like that. And I've got a link to a below the this is, I just basically include this in every project. Now let's take a look at this. Basically, this is what I use for foundational backlinking. And what I mean by foundational is some of this is just expected, right? So like local, as an example, if I click on this, it's going to filter out just local directories that I need to be involved in. And so when I click on it, here's all the local directories. Here's the best part about this, right? You've got things where you can show somebody like for instance open street map, right? I can show some, well, it shows you if it's a follow, no follow, if it knows, but I can click on visit website and it will take me directly to open street map, right? You can click on this and it will show you step-by-step instructions on how to get the back link. This is stupid easy. The reason that I bring this up is because I love this tool and I'm hardly ever in it. I just hardly ever use it. What I use this for all the time is I will buy a license for it, for a website. And then I will go through and I like to filter out anything with a high spam score. And what I mean by filter is you see how it's set to ignore on some of these. Like, if I want it to ignore it, you just set to ignore. And otherwise if like, let's say we just had somebody build from health direct, they would hit accept and they would go in and they'd be able to take a to submit it. We would say convert it. And they would be able to link to the actual link. Right? And so that's what you'd see. Once they're like converted right here, right? That Google my business has already converted. So this is an awesome way for you to get step-by-step instructions and then give it to a virtual assistant. You can have them just build 10 a day. You can have a bill five a day, whatever you want to bill for, but it gives you an awesome opportunity to do it. So for instance, here's all the local, right? If you get done with all the local and you want to move on, here's all the social. And when you click on all the social, it just starts showing you all the different social media profiles that you might want. When you get these, you can start looking at the review sites and man, I mean, this just makes it really easy for you to be able to see what's a do follow link, the spam score, how much they're trusted, the lower the Alexa rank, the higher domain authority. It generally is. So if you see a low Alexa rank and a do follow link, get it just a really cool way for you to be able to build a good foundation of backlinks. This even goes into some ideas for press releases. This is a great way. If you want to write a press release and we already talked about what goes into a good quality backlink. This gives you some opportunities on where to put them. You can do forums, things like guest posts, things like that, article submissions for more guest posts. It's just an awesome way to do this. You probably don't need all of these. I think there's like 1400 at the time of this filming. There's like 1400 of them. You don't need all 1400. What you actually need is a good foundation of like local the search engines, the directory listings and social. And then you can start going into the, some of the high domain profiles. If you start doing that and you still need a boost, you know, maybe you're in a more competitive industry or you're in a more densely populated area, start hitting the press releases article submissions, things like that. Then you can even do crowd, like some of these get pretty crazy. So you can do a product launch. They've even got crowdfunding. Like we funder they've got deals and coupon sites. It's just an awesome way to be able to keep track of where your backlinks are and an easy way to show people how you want them to go get those backlinks for you. So between link, chest, and link finder that we already went through, this is just an awesome way for you to be able to find great opportunities on where you need to start driving your backlinks from both from a foundational, you know, tier one strategy from a link chest, all the way into things like stealing links from your competition, or at least getting the same links your competition has. That's a fantastic way to do it. I hope that helps you guys. We're trying to keep these in, in manageable blocks so that you can rewatch them and you can really get a lot out of it. If you've got any questions as always, please feel free to let me know. I'm happy to help out however I can. Thanks guys.
Internal Linking Strategy
External Back-Linking Strategy
In our last video, we covered a couple of internal linking strategies of the way that we silo our content specifically to establish geographic relevancy. And so this is just a different layout of the exact same type silos, where we have a service page. We have blogs that all link you know, in a silo structure, they also link over the service page. Also links over to a city which has neighborhood pages. It also has things to do pages that all link back to it. Just like we covered this video. I want to talk to you about external linking and the way that external backlinks can play into your domain authority and your page authority. So there is a piece that ties them together. That's why I have this all on one map. You will have a access to this workflow directly under this video. If you're watching this video on our tutorial page, but basically this strategic link equity is what I call it. It is a combination of where you can get from external to internal and also internal just making your life easier. There's a link in here for a plugin called Linquist bird's fantastic. WordPress plugin does a lot of this for you. I don't use WordPress and therefore I don't use link whisper, but if I in the event that we are doing a WordPress page, then that is the plugin that I use. As an example, what it does is you can set a keyword or set of keywords where you can tell your site that whenever that set of words or word appears that I want you to link to a page. And as an example I have linked the words, orange beach to the city page for orange beach. So and I also set a rule that it only does it once per page. So if I had orange beach written on here 13 times, then it would only do it on the first one. It also I have it set up in a rule to omit header so that it doesn't do it off this header. It only does it in the text. You can set all those links up. There's a lot you can do in link whisper, check it out through that. This, this link in here, click that it'll take you to it. There's a bunch of tutorials. Also in here this is our, our location page. That's set up. It's very similar to what we have already covered. So you should already have access to that from the previous video. So from our strategic link building that you can do, whether it's like a location page, it just automatically picks it up and points to it and makes your life a lot easier. Versus being able to link externally over to it. We'll talk about that in a second. This video gets away from the internal siloing and it goes over to external linking. There are a lot, a lot of different ways that you can structure this. I have put some examples down here. There are a lot of these, I mean, they're these diagrams all come from money robot. You can check that out. It's a tool that basically automates a lot of this. If you do this correctly, I think you're going to be able to not have to automate it. But if you have something that's much more aggressive and you need different strategies, money robot has some excellent ones for you, but like you see that there are a lot of different ways that you can do this. I mean, some of these are just absolutely crazy the way the backlinking diagrams work in most industries, especially for local SEO, which is what this is about. This is not needed in most industries. If you are trying to rank a personal injury attorney in New York city, maybe if you are trying to rank most businesses, not in like major metropolitan areas, he can do this very differently. So I have a very simple version where we have tier one links and we have tier two links. Your money site is the site that you are trying to rank consider that your homepage. It does not have to be your homepage. Thank your primary domain because it might be an article you wrote on it, but regardless it's basically your money site and we want to protect it. So your external sites at this level are what we call tier one tier one links should consist of high quality, high domain authority links that will point directly to your main site. This will include high metric sites and contextual backlinks. Basically we want them to be high quality sites, high domain authority, instead of like somebody's personal WordPress blog, we're trying to get back links from whatever the local authority pages are in your like a government page or a.edu. If you got like a white paper or something like that, we'll have some we'll have a video tutorial of some examples of these, but this is really high domain authority. It might be like a Wiki article. It might be a press release that you've done and submitted to like local news websites. It might be the local university for a Sullivan Athens, Georgia. If I could get a university of Georgia, maybe a grad student to publish a white paper and it got indexed on uga.edu, that would be huge for us for a tier one link. Now that tier one link would link directly to my money site, whether it's my homepage or a page within it, that is a tier one link that we want pointed here. Ideally, I want tier one to be at least high as high domain authority as my own site, preferably higher and the higher, the better right, the page that's linking to it. I want that page authority to be as high as possible and the domain authority. I want it to be as high as possible, preferably higher than my own. And you can see our general terminology video about domain authority, page authority, that kind of stuff, but basically that's what I'm looking for. And ideally this is pie in the sky, but the more you can do this, the better it's great. If you have complete control over these links, or if it is going to be a link that is not going to fall off. In other words, let's say that that white paper I was talking about, let's say that it was not a white paper that was published, but it was on Ugh, upcoming events page. It's awesome to get that kind of backlink because uga.edu is going to have a very high domain authority. It's going to be much higher than most businesses around the Athens area. So it's great. If I was able to get a sponsorship link of some kind where uga.edu is linking back to the money side of that business that I'm trying to rank. But if the events page becomes obsolete after the event and therefore they archive it and it falls off, it doesn't help me nearly as much. That example a white paper, that's going to stay up for a substantially longer period of time. That helps much more. So Wiki articles press releases, social bookmarks blog posts, especially if you control them. Even guest posts on high domain authority, sites, videos, these are all tier one links. Now, tier two links are basically to power up tier one links. I will get a little more aggressive with these. I don't want him to be straight spam, but I will get spammy or for lack of a better term on tier two links, your tier two links, never. I want to repeat that. Never point back to your money site directly. These tier two links are going to point to your tier one links in your tier. One links are going to point to your money site, your money site being your primary domain. It also might be your money site. It might be your GMB listing or your Google business profile. It might be a video that you're trying to rank it, whatever the property is. That's why we call it money site instead of your website, because it might be your GMB that you're linking to. And so it doesn't have anything to do with your domain, with the exception that it's tied because it's that business. But tier one links back to the money site, tier two only links back to the tier one. And so these are lower quality, but higher quantity. I want a lot of these these are contextual content. I don't want to be posting about, you know, if I'm ranking a plumber, I don't want to be posting that around things that are about, you know, college football, because there's just no contextual relevancy there. The more authoritative these can be the better, but you're probably going to have very low domain authority and page authority from these. That's why we want the quantity of them. There's less focus on that da or that page rank. These are easy to get. They're easy to create. We'll do a different video on that. If you need to money, robot actually does this from an automated fashion. These, I like to do by hand, I like this content to be written by an actual person. And I like it to be very high quality content, high domain authority, high relevancy. If I can get it to be the big three where it's got high authority, high authority, it's got geographical relevancy and it's got contextual relevancy. That's a perfect example of a tier one link. Your tier two links are going to be spammy or for lack of a better term, got a point in mass quantities back to these. Basically the sheer number of these are made to prop these up. And the more these are powered up, the more powerful those links, the higher the link equity is going to be when it passes it to your money site. Whatever that money site property might be. One other thing to note, and I kind of already hinted at this, your tier one links, like let's say this is that white paper. It may not be pointing to your, it may not be pointed to your domain at all. It may be pointing to your GMB, but if it is pointed to your to your domain, it doesn't have to be the homepage. It can point back to strategic link equity being like, for instance, if I wanted to talk about if I was promoting my own agency and I want to talk about the impact that local search engine optimization has the positive impact it has on a business. I might get a grad student in the business school to write a white paper on it, do a study on it, write a white paper in that white paper. I would ask them to link not just to my money site or my primary domain, but to this specific service page about search engine optimization. That's kind of the link to from external to internal, if you're going to a specific page, because I want to power up that page to get the page authority as high as possible. Great that we get it to the primary domain. Even better if we're talking about a specific service to get it to that service page, to elevate both the domain authority and the page authority. So this is a very, very simple structure, but it's highly effective, especially in most niches and most areas. This is going to be sufficient for you get as many tier ones as you can. And again, the higher, the more authoritative they are, the more geographically relevant they are and the more contextually relevant they are, the more powerful they're going to be as far as their link equity, propping up whatever money property you have. I hope that helps guys we'll chat soon.
Here's a List of the Tools From this Tutorial
Link Miner
Find powerful backlinks you can replicate easily
Link Chest
An awesome collection of high-quality, easy-to-win backlinks.
Coupon Code MARKETINGNINJA will save you 25%!
Site Profiler
Check the SEO authority of any domain or URL
Link Whisper
Great WP plugin for internal linking.
Other Awesome Tutorials
Link Building
FREE: 60+ of the best link building techniques in 2022.
Competitive Analysis
FREE: SEO Buddy's competitive analysis process for SEO.
SEO Checklist
PAID - but you can get a free sample with a pop-up on exit.
SOP Collection
PAID - but you can get a free sample with a pop-up on exit.
Coupon Code MARKETINGNINJA will save you 25%, and if you buy either you get both free!
Manipulated URLs on Google Maps
This is an advanced gray-hat external linking strategy that targets very specific nodes (latitude/longitude locations) on a geo-grid by helping Google associate Who your business is, What your business does, and Where your business does it.
Example Backlink Strategy Diagrams
Money Robot
Money Robot is a software that creates elaborate backlink strategies for you. Just look at some of these crazy linking diagrams they automate!

Miscellaneous Notes:
NoFollow vs DoFollow Links:
Do NoFollow Backlinks Help?
If you look in the attached screenshot, you'll see that links from social media contain "nofollow" tags. This means that Google bots are instructed to not follow that link. While that eliminates any link equity ("link juice") from flowing through the backlink, in 2019 Google announced that they will treat nofollow links as hints to better understand and analyze links as part of your backlink profile.
Note About Active Backlink Counts:
Why the Different Count?
If you look closely, you'll see that in one arrow of the associated screenshot you'll see an active backlink count of 33. Yet if you look down in the bottom corner, you'll see a filtered "active" list of backlinks of 53? So why the difference? It's because the top metric (33) is being pulled from Majestic's "Fresh Index" (and is the metric you should use in research) while the bottom metric (53) is being pulled from their "Historic Index". You can find more information about it by reading Majestic's Fresh and Historic Indexes for Backlinks.