Geographical Relevance with AI Content

City Page Content - Video Transcript

Hey marketing ninjas. In some previous video tutorials, I have gone through this mind map of a local SEO and how we are building out our authority, our contextual relevancy with backlinks and our geographical relevance with our on-page and our on-page structure looks, something like this. We have an area of serve page. We have our primary cities that we're targeting and inside each city we have neighborhood pages and then we have things to do pages and there are silos. There are content silo. So inside, inside a city page, we might have a neighborhood page and then links to another one. Then another one, then another one. Then another one you can do as many of these as you want, the more the merrier, the more you do, the more contextually relevant you will be. So with that the next thing you do is things to do. And we don't have to wonder about the things to do because we get them from Google's travel. And we will we'll look into that here in just a second. But I had a lot of people asking me questions about this, and they said, man, this, this is going to take forever. And yeah, you're not wrong. Like it's, this part is very time consuming. So I wanted to show you a way that you can speed this up exponentially. And there's a couple of different ways we can do this. I've got some tools that really help cut down on the amount of research you have to do. But for this video, we're going to do it as if you didn't have any of those tools and we'll do a separate video on how you can do it. It'll be a shorter video cause it speeds the process of a lot. So this is what we're looking at, our city page, our neighborhood pages, and then our things to do pages and how we're going to build geographic relevancy to our primary city in our business. And so I had done this with some structured pages that I showed you and here, where we've got you know, the content about the city. In this case, I use Nashville and we had some images who had some outbound links all this stuff, everybody understood how to do this. Everybody had questions on where do we get this? This is the time consuming part, right? So I wanted to show you the same. This is a things too, I'm sorry, this is a neighborhood same process. And then this is a things to do, same process. Everybody had, you know, this part is the time consuming part. So how do we speed that up? That's what today's video is about. And so in order to do this, I actually am going to use a Google sheet. It's very, very basic. I'll show you how I structured this as we go along. I have picked a random city, Jacksonville, Florida. I don't have any clients in Jacksonville. So anybody that we use as an example, and this is surely coincidental. And what I've done is I dug down into Jacksonville to find a local business Kevin's musician's Superstore. This is going to be the one that we're going to rank. It is right here in this map kind of, you know, just to the west side of the city a little bit right off the waterway. So this'll be fun. We're going to do Kevin's musician Superstore. We're going to try to build geo relevancy for the immediate area that he is around to be able to build out some some local SEO opportunities for him over near him. So I have set up a new site, city There's quite literally nothing on it. I just installed WordPress as the CMS. And I am going to share with you the way that we're going to do this. So I like having a top level category. And by the way, I added this to the top menu so that you could just see it as an example. I probably wouldn't actually put this in the top level menu. I would put it in like a footer menu or something like that, just to make it less prominent on the page. But regardless here's the structure for it. We're going to name our top one near me Yelp and several others are going to that, or they actually include the words near me and their URL structure. And so I have to believe that that is helpful. It will also help when somebody is searching for like musician shop near me. And then under there, we've got our primary city, which is Jacksonville, Florida. And then we've got a subcategory of that, which is our neighborhoods and another one, which is our things to do. So our structure looks like this. And so if I were to go to if you look down on the bottom left hand side of my screen, you'll see that it's domain dot ninjas slash near dash me slash Jacksonville, Florida. If I go to the sub menu, it adds on the word neighborhoods, and then it adds on things to do. That's the structure that we've got. Okay. So here's what we're going to be doing. We're going to be doing some research and then we're going to be using article forge and an article forge because this is a tutorial done in WordPress. You can go to the WordPress section over here, you click add word, press blog. You literally just enter your URL, your username, and your password and hit retrieve. And it merges. It makes it just super, super easy. I've already done that. So for the purpose of this, let's start our research. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to start with neighborhoods and inside. I've already zoomed out a little bit from Kevin Superstore and you can already see words like PacSun, Riverside, Normandy, Hillcrest, Hyde park, Cedar Hills estates, lake shore, Cedar Hills, Oak hill. These are all neighborhoods that are around and they're, they're basically a sub locality of Jacksonville and those are important. So what I want to do is I want to start taking note of those. And so what I might do is take this and I'm going to try to make some room so you can see what I'm doing. I'm going to say PacSun, Normandy, Murray hill, Riverside hill crest, Hyde park, lake shore, Cedar Hills estates, Cedar Hills Oak hill. All right. And then if if I zoom in moral will start showing up, right? So you see how there's more and more stuff coming up here. So new town, college gardens Allendale west Jackson, but Woodstock. So let's start adding some of those, right? So let's break this away. All right. We've got Allendale. We've already got packs and mixing town college gardens, you get the point, right? So for the purpose of speed on this video, I'm not going to do every single one of these, but I probably would, if this was actually a client, because the save so much time. So Commonwealth is another one. But you, you get the point. You can zoom in and out and more of the sub localities will start to appear and we're going to create a list of them. Okay. Now I'm going to do the same thing for things to do, but I'm going to do it by going to to do. And I'm going to put in my city, Jacksonville. All right, cool. So, because we're on the west side, I'm actually going to zoom in a little bit and and try to find things to do near here. So let's say view them all. Perfect. All right. Very cool. Okay. So we were over in this area somewhere. So Boone park is obviously one that we're going to want. Let me get my list back out here. Now I'm going to go to my other tab, things to do. So entity name, well, this one is Boone park. This one is museum of Southern history. I accidentally clicked. This is Stockton park Parks down here, Memorial park. You get the point of what I'm doing here. Right. And so we could even go down and add, let's just do it. Let's just go ahead and add. Okay. Very cool. All right. So for the purpose of speed on this video, so that you're not watching me just do manual, I'm going to do two of these, and then I'm going to do two of these so that you see what I'm doing. And then I will pause the video and come back. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with Jacksonville, and I'm going to go back into PacSun right here and you see how now we're on. And as a sub locality, I'm going to click share and grab this link. Okay. Now over here, PacSun, there's my link. I'm going to zoom out. Normandy was the next one on my list. So I go to Normandy share, okay. I would repeat this for all 13 of these. And we would add more neighborhoods the more the merrier, right? So we would add all these. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to do it when I pause the video. So you don't have to watch me do it. Same thing here. So let's go over to Boone park. I would take Boone park, Sorry. I got several plugins that are in the way. And I would share that click copy, short URL right here. So then I would take museum of Southern history. It takes me straight down to it, share here. Then I would take Stockton park. You're getting the point, right? So Stockton park share. So I'm going to pause this video and I'm going to do it for all of these both for the neighborhoods and for the things to do. And then I'll come back and we'll resume the video. Okay. So I finished this up. I actually added a couple of neighborhoods as I was clicking through. They're scrolling to try to find these. So I've got all of my neighborhoods. I've got all the short URLs, I've got all the things to do, and I've got all the short URLs notice that these were things to do, brought to us by the Google travel search. So Google was obviously quite familiar with them. So now let's take a look at what we can do next. We need to add in keywords and sub keywords, because we're going to drop these into article forge. And so what I'm going to do is for our keywords, I'm going to say equals concatenate. This isn't really a video about how to do formulas in Google sheets. But here we go. Yeah, that did not work. Oh, because I use G2, not cheat one. All right. So now all of my neighborhoods say PacSun and Jacksonville, Florida, whatever neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida. Okay. My sub keywords. I'm just going to actually use that all the way down and you'll see what we're doing here. Just a second, same thing to do here. So we're going to call this keywords. We're going to insert a few columns here. All right. So equals concatenate. Perfect. So keywords, I'm just going to bring this all the way down. Cool. All right. Now what we're going to do is I'm going to have this right. Everything for me about all of these places. Okay. And so for, for this, I'm going to concatenate these two fields because the way that when you bring it into article forge, I'm going to say new article switch to bulk article generator. Okay. And you see that it's keyword and then sub keyword, sub keyword, and every line break is a new, a new line. So this is just basically done it for us. So all I'm going to do is write a quick little formula that says concatenate that, And that It would help if I wrote the formula correctly. There we go. Cool. So now what I can do drop those in there. Right? So now it's neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida, comma, Jacksonville, Florida. In this case, Jacksonville, Florida is actually a sub keyword. The reason I do that is because I like to make sure that I include additional clarity that I'm not looking for. Normandy in France or Riverside in Atlanta or Oak hill and Detroit, it helps give 'em some additional context. That's why I add the cities in here. All right. So very cool. You can select whatever you want. Usually I would do long, but because this is just a demo and because I don't want to use up all of my words that I have, I'm actually going to do medium. Not that it makes a huge difference, but we're going to add titles at an image at a video. We are definitely going to replace keywords with links, but we're going to come back to that post to your WordPress blog. Yes. Very, very cool. So I want to post with specific categories. There shouldn't be neighborhoods. Okay. And if you wanted to do the tags, you could do neighborhoods and Jacksonville, Florida. Okay. Comma at the end of that. Alright, cool. So, so what Status of published. Perfect. Okay. Now here's the kicker. This part is still time-consuming, but this is we've already saved ourself a good bit of time. Replace keywords with links. Yes. You're going to click that now. We're doing the neighborhoods first. So I'm going to say, replace the word PacSun With that link. Okay. So in other words, anytime in the PacSun article, when the word PacSun comes up, it will replace it with a link. It'll still say PacSun, but it will replace it with an outbound link going to PacSun. Right? So I leave this off and this off, and I've used this as replace only the first instance, but I'm going to do this again with every single line item. Right. So Normandy goes here and then I grab the link to Normandy. Okay. Then I do this again. I do this for every single one of the neighborhoods. This is the most time consuming part. And again, there's, there's ways to make this a go faster. Another one that I want to make sure that I do is the words Jacksonville. So I have already done in here. I have already grabbed the maps, the share maps for Jacksonville. So I'm going to say, add another one. And just for the sake of this, this will be the last one I do without pausing it. I'm going to say Jacksonville and add that one. Now I'm going to go back and I'm just going to continue adding the rest of my neighborhoods. And then I will come back to this video when that's done. Okay. I have done all of them. It took me just a couple of minutes. So rolling Hills points to rolling Hills Lackawanna points to the Google map share. So all of these are done, including our secondary sub keyword, which was Jacksonville. So with this think I'm ready. I will hit create new article. It's telling me how many it's creating 17 articles. That'll cost me 8,500 words. No problem. I'm on the paid plan. And it's saying I haven't selected any WordPress data. Do you want to continue.

All right. We were able to get all of these articles created. And as you see, these are all of our neighborhoods inside of Jacksonville and our pages. And here on our posts, they automatically got pushed over into into our WordPress installation. So for instance, if I were to view this one, you see that it's got the image, it's got everything already done. So this is really, really helpful. You see the next post last post. These are all linking together. That creates that silo effect one to the next one to the next. This is excellent. And it automatically picked up like Riverside. So if I click on that, it would go straight to Riverside, just a fantastic way to build geo relevancy. And because I didn't figure you wanted to sit there and watch these get created or want to do, watch me copy and paste. I've already done it for the things to do. So what I've done is I've just imported all of my load into article forge section, which is my primary keyword comma, secondary keyword. And then so that is just each of my entities. And then I have done the replace. I've set it up where Boone park will automatically get redirected. Same way we did it in the other one. It's all said and done. Now, the difference is, what I'm going to do is I want these. The only difference that I did here was on these. I want Jacksonville instead of outbound, linking to the the short URL for Jacksonville. I actually want it to point to my internal page. I want that silo linking back to my internal page. So any time the word Jacksonville shows up in any of these articles, it's going to point back to my internal page about Jacksonville, which in turn has outbound links that Google will recognize to help really create that geo relevancy. Down here I've said post your WordPress blog. Yes, I've got it set up posts with specific category, category and tag. So my WordPress category things to do, and here I'm going to say things to do in Jacksonville, and I'm going to create new article. It's telling me how many it's going to create.

All right. We hit submit and And here we go, you see that this is starting so we can expand this and you can see that it's already cranking through this. So I'm going to pause this video until we get done and we'll check it in our WordPress installation and make sure that all of our new things to do articles have been created.

All right. I went over and I just refreshed. These articles are still turning out. It looks like they're about halfway done, but I was able to go over here and refresh and look at the posts. And you do see that it is dropping the posts into the things to do with the correct tags. So that's really cool. I went over here and I just looked at the front page where it's just adding them. And so I've got you know, this automatically will point us back to Memorial park and so Memorial park in Jacksonville. Good to go. And then down here, this should point us back to our internal page and it does, so that is fantastic. And if we look over here, our next one is college gardens in Jacksonville, Florida. Our previous one is not going to let me see it because the loom is in the way. But basically my point being is that these are all siloed together, right? So you've got one article going to the next article, going to the next article, hold they're linked together. It's easy for Google to crawl it when they're, when the bot is working through your site. And then it all links back to this page. So we are building tons of geographic relevancy. This is a fantastic way to do it. And we have written exactly zero content for it. And, and we've done. I mean, you know, you can do 15 of these city pages and then, you know, 15 more things to do, just building a ton of geo relevancy for your site. The paid version, at least at the time of this filming, the paid version has like 250,000 words a month. If you use the bulk generator or the API generator, it has unlimited if you do the articles one at a time. The reason that becomes important is because if you're using the bulk, if you're doing the 750 words, which I used for the primary city page for the neighborhood pages, I use 500 words. And for the things to do, I like to use 250 words. But if you're, if you're using 750 words, that's like 333 articles per month that you can do. So that's just a ton of city pages city neighborhood things to do, go build your geo relevancy, use article forge below the link below and then follow this. And this is a great way to do it. We're going to show a much, much easier way a tool that we've put together that works in conjunction with article forge, but this is a manual way that you can do it to to go ahead and get started. Thanks guys.

Primary Page Content - Video Transcript

Okay. So still an article forge. I'm going to do this one manually, cause we're actually going to create a page out of this so that it's a static page and our WordPress installation. So this one, I'm just going to say Jacksonville, Florida. I already have the Google maps, short URL. So article length. I want it to be long at titles image, video. Yes. All that. Add new replacement, Jacksonville. I don't want it to replace the title and I don't want to use a placeholder. I'm not going to post to the WordPress blog because again, I'm going to make this a page instead of a blog entry. And I will show you what that looks like. So I'm just going to click, create new article. I understand that I'm not using any sub keywords, so I'm just going to say use only my main and this will start going through its process to create it. And when it is finished, it takes a couple of minutes when it is finished, I will come back and I will show you how I get it into WordPress. Okay. This finished up. So I'm going to click here to see the result. And here is my page. This is fantastic. So what I'm going to do is copy it. And now in my I've created a new page. And so I'm just going to paste this in here and let's make this image. Let's see here, Let's make this image much smaller. Very cool. All right. It looks really good. All right. So we've got our page. Obviously I could spend some time and make this make this a little prettier, but regardless. So now that I've got our page, what I want to do is go back into my menu. And I want to set that page. Let's do a quick edit and change that to published. And I want my menu item to point there. Right? So I'm going to go into the menu. I'm going to remove this and I'm going to say that I want an actual host or actual page rather It's spelled out. So we'll do So now we've got our Jacksonville page up here. We'll make all, all the other ones like the neighborhoods and the things to do. We'll make them sub pages of this.

City Page Content - Video Transcript

Hey marketing ninjas. In some previous video tutorials, I have gone through this mind map of a local SEO and how we are building out our authority, our contextual relevancy with backlinks and our geographical relevance with our on-page and our on-page structure looks, something like this. We have an area of serve page. We have our primary cities that we're targeting and inside each city we have neighborhood pages and then we have things to do pages and there are silos. There are content silo. So inside, inside a city page, we might have a neighborhood page and then links to another one. Then another one, then another one. Then another one you can do as many of these as you want, the more the merrier, the more you do, the more contextually relevant you will be. So with that the next thing you do is things to do. And we don't have to wonder about the things to do because we get them from Google's travel. And we will we'll look into that here in just a second. But I had a lot of people asking me questions about this, and they said, man, this, this is going to take forever. And yeah, you're not wrong. Like it's, this part is very time consuming. So I wanted to show you a way that you can speed this up exponentially. And there's a couple of different ways we can do this. I've got some tools that really help cut down on the amount of research you have to do. But for this video, we're going to do it as if you didn't have any of those tools and we'll do a separate video on how you can do it. It'll be a shorter video cause it speeds the process of a lot. So this is what we're looking at, our city page, our neighborhood pages, and then our things to do pages and how we're going to build geographic relevancy to our primary city in our business. And so I had done this with some structured pages that I showed you and here, where we've got you know, the content about the city. In this case, I use Nashville and we had some images who had some outbound links all this stuff, everybody understood how to do this. Everybody had questions on where do we get this? This is the time consuming part, right? So I wanted to show you the same. This is a things too, I'm sorry, this is a neighborhood same process. And then this is a things to do, same process. Everybody had, you know, this part is the time consuming part. So how do we speed that up? That's what today's video is about. And so in order to do this, I actually am going to use a Google sheet. It's very, very basic. I'll show you how I structured this as we go along. I have picked a random city, Jacksonville, Florida. I don't have any clients in Jacksonville. So anybody that we use as an example, and this is surely coincidental. And what I've done is I dug down into Jacksonville to find a local business Kevin's musician's Superstore. This is going to be the one that we're going to rank. It is right here in this map kind of, you know, just to the west side of the city a little bit right off the waterway. So this'll be fun. We're going to do Kevin's musician Superstore. We're going to try to build geo relevancy for the immediate area that he is around to be able to build out some some local SEO opportunities for him over near him. So I have set up a new site, city There's quite literally nothing on it. I just installed WordPress as the CMS. And I am going to share with you the way that we're going to do this. So I like having a top level category. And by the way, I added this to the top menu so that you could just see it as an example. I probably wouldn't actually put this in the top level menu. I would put it in like a footer menu or something like that, just to make it less prominent on the page. But regardless here's the structure for it. We're going to name our top one near me Yelp and several others are going to that, or they actually include the words near me and their URL structure. And so I have to believe that that is helpful. It will also help when somebody is searching for like musician shop near me. And then under there, we've got our primary city, which is Jacksonville, Florida. And then we've got a subcategory of that, which is our neighborhoods and another one, which is our things to do. So our structure looks like this. And so if I were to go to if you look down on the bottom left hand side of my screen, you'll see that it's domain dot ninjas slash near dash me slash Jacksonville, Florida. If I go to the sub menu, it adds on the word neighborhoods, and then it adds on things to do. That's the structure that we've got. Okay. So here's what we're going to be doing. We're going to be doing some research and then we're going to be using article forge and an article forge because this is a tutorial done in WordPress. You can go to the WordPress section over here, you click add word, press blog. You literally just enter your URL, your username, and your password and hit retrieve. And it merges. It makes it just super, super easy. I've already done that. So for the purpose of this, let's start our research. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to start with neighborhoods and inside. I've already zoomed out a little bit from Kevin Superstore and you can already see words like PacSun, Riverside, Normandy, Hillcrest, Hyde park, Cedar Hills estates, lake shore, Cedar Hills, Oak hill. These are all neighborhoods that are around and they're, they're basically a sub locality of Jacksonville and those are important. So what I want to do is I want to start taking note of those. And so what I might do is take this and I'm going to try to make some room so you can see what I'm doing. I'm going to say PacSun, Normandy, Murray hill, Riverside hill crest, Hyde park, lake shore, Cedar Hills estates, Cedar Hills Oak hill. All right. And then if if I zoom in moral will start showing up, right? So you see how there's more and more stuff coming up here. So new town, college gardens Allendale west Jackson, but Woodstock. So let's start adding some of those, right? So let's break this away. All right. We've got Allendale. We've already got packs and mixing town college gardens, you get the point, right? So for the purpose of speed on this video, I'm not going to do every single one of these, but I probably would, if this was actually a client, because the save so much time. So Commonwealth is another one. But you, you get the point. You can zoom in and out and more of the sub localities will start to appear and we're going to create a list of them. Okay. Now I'm going to do the same thing for things to do, but I'm going to do it by going to to do. And I'm going to put in my city, Jacksonville. All right, cool. So, because we're on the west side, I'm actually going to zoom in a little bit and and try to find things to do near here. So let's say view them all. Perfect. All right. Very cool. Okay. So we were over in this area somewhere. So Boone park is obviously one that we're going to want. Let me get my list back out here. Now I'm going to go to my other tab, things to do. So entity name, well, this one is Boone park. This one is museum of Southern history. I accidentally clicked. This is Stockton park Parks down here, Memorial park. You get the point of what I'm doing here. Right. And so we could even go down and add, let's just do it. Let's just go ahead and add. Okay. Very cool. All right. So for the purpose of speed on this video, so that you're not watching me just do manual, I'm going to do two of these, and then I'm going to do two of these so that you see what I'm doing. And then I will pause the video and come back. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with Jacksonville, and I'm going to go back into PacSun right here and you see how now we're on. And as a sub locality, I'm going to click share and grab this link. Okay. Now over here, PacSun, there's my link. I'm going to zoom out. Normandy was the next one on my list. So I go to Normandy share, okay. I would repeat this for all 13 of these. And we would add more neighborhoods the more the merrier, right? So we would add all these. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to do it when I pause the video. So you don't have to watch me do it. Same thing here. So let's go over to Boone park. I would take Boone park, Sorry. I got several plugins that are in the way. And I would share that click copy, short URL right here. So then I would take museum of Southern history. It takes me straight down to it, share here. Then I would take Stockton park. You're getting the point, right? So Stockton park share. So I'm going to pause this video and I'm going to do it for all of these both for the neighborhoods and for the things to do. And then I'll come back and we'll resume the video. Okay. So I finished this up. I actually added a couple of neighborhoods as I was clicking through. They're scrolling to try to find these. So I've got all of my neighborhoods. I've got all the short URLs, I've got all the things to do, and I've got all the short URLs notice that these were things to do, brought to us by the Google travel search. So Google was obviously quite familiar with them. So now let's take a look at what we can do next. We need to add in keywords and sub keywords, because we're going to drop these into article forge. And so what I'm going to do is for our keywords, I'm going to say equals concatenate. This isn't really a video about how to do formulas in Google sheets. But here we go. Yeah, that did not work. Oh, because I use G2, not cheat one. All right. So now all of my neighborhoods say PacSun and Jacksonville, Florida, whatever neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida. Okay. My sub keywords. I'm just going to actually use that all the way down and you'll see what we're doing here. Just a second, same thing to do here. So we're going to call this keywords. We're going to insert a few columns here. All right. So equals concatenate. Perfect. So keywords, I'm just going to bring this all the way down. Cool. All right. Now what we're going to do is I'm going to have this right. Everything for me about all of these places. Okay. And so for, for this, I'm going to concatenate these two fields because the way that when you bring it into article forge, I'm going to say new article switch to bulk article generator. Okay. And you see that it's keyword and then sub keyword, sub keyword, and every line break is a new, a new line. So this is just basically done it for us. So all I'm going to do is write a quick little formula that says concatenate that, And that It would help if I wrote the formula correctly. There we go. Cool. So now what I can do drop those in there. Right? So now it's neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida, comma, Jacksonville, Florida. In this case, Jacksonville, Florida is actually a sub keyword. The reason I do that is because I like to make sure that I include additional clarity that I'm not looking for. Normandy in France or Riverside in Atlanta or Oak hill and Detroit, it helps give 'em some additional context. That's why I add the cities in here. All right. So very cool. You can select whatever you want. Usually I would do long, but because this is just a demo and because I don't want to use up all of my words that I have, I'm actually going to do medium. Not that it makes a huge difference, but we're going to add titles at an image at a video. We are definitely going to replace keywords with links, but we're going to come back to that post to your WordPress blog. Yes. Very, very cool. So I want to post with specific categories. There shouldn't be neighborhoods. Okay. And if you wanted to do the tags, you could do neighborhoods and Jacksonville, Florida. Okay. Comma at the end of that. Alright, cool. So, so what Status of published. Perfect. Okay. Now here's the kicker. This part is still time-consuming, but this is we've already saved ourself a good bit of time. Replace keywords with links. Yes. You're going to click that now. We're doing the neighborhoods first. So I'm going to say, replace the word PacSun With that link. Okay. So in other words, anytime in the PacSun article, when the word PacSun comes up, it will replace it with a link. It'll still say PacSun, but it will replace it with an outbound link going to PacSun. Right? So I leave this off and this off, and I've used this as replace only the first instance, but I'm going to do this again with every single line item. Right. So Normandy goes here and then I grab the link to Normandy. Okay. Then I do this again. I do this for every single one of the neighborhoods. This is the most time consuming part. And again, there's, there's ways to make this a go faster. Another one that I want to make sure that I do is the words Jacksonville. So I have already done in here. I have already grabbed the maps, the share maps for Jacksonville. So I'm going to say, add another one. And just for the sake of this, this will be the last one I do without pausing it. I'm going to say Jacksonville and add that one. Now I'm going to go back and I'm just going to continue adding the rest of my neighborhoods. And then I will come back to this video when that's done. Okay. I have done all of them. It took me just a couple of minutes. So rolling Hills points to rolling Hills Lackawanna points to the Google map share. So all of these are done, including our secondary sub keyword, which was Jacksonville. So with this think I'm ready. I will hit create new article. It's telling me how many it's creating 17 articles. That'll cost me 8,500 words. No problem. I'm on the paid plan. And it's saying I haven't selected any WordPress data. Do you want to continue.

All right. We were able to get all of these articles created. And as you see, these are all of our neighborhoods inside of Jacksonville and our pages. And here on our posts, they automatically got pushed over into into our WordPress installation. So for instance, if I were to view this one, you see that it's got the image, it's got everything already done. So this is really, really helpful. You see the next post last post. These are all linking together. That creates that silo effect one to the next one to the next. This is excellent. And it automatically picked up like Riverside. So if I click on that, it would go straight to Riverside, just a fantastic way to build geo relevancy. And because I didn't figure you wanted to sit there and watch these get created or want to do, watch me copy and paste. I've already done it for the things to do. So what I've done is I've just imported all of my load into article forge section, which is my primary keyword comma, secondary keyword. And then so that is just each of my entities. And then I have done the replace. I've set it up where Boone park will automatically get redirected. Same way we did it in the other one. It's all said and done. Now, the difference is, what I'm going to do is I want these. The only difference that I did here was on these. I want Jacksonville instead of outbound, linking to the the short URL for Jacksonville. I actually want it to point to my internal page. I want that silo linking back to my internal page. So any time the word Jacksonville shows up in any of these articles, it's going to point back to my internal page about Jacksonville, which in turn has outbound links that Google will recognize to help really create that geo relevancy. Down here I've said post your WordPress blog. Yes, I've got it set up posts with specific category, category and tag. So my WordPress category things to do, and here I'm going to say things to do in Jacksonville, and I'm going to create new article. It's telling me how many it's going to create.

All right. We hit submit and And here we go, you see that this is starting so we can expand this and you can see that it's already cranking through this. So I'm going to pause this video until we get done and we'll check it in our WordPress installation and make sure that all of our new things to do articles have been created.

All right. I went over and I just refreshed. These articles are still turning out. It looks like they're about halfway done, but I was able to go over here and refresh and look at the posts. And you do see that it is dropping the posts into the things to do with the correct tags. So that's really cool. I went over here and I just looked at the front page where it's just adding them. And so I've got you know, this automatically will point us back to Memorial park and so Memorial park in Jacksonville. Good to go. And then down here, this should point us back to our internal page and it does, so that is fantastic. And if we look over here, our next one is college gardens in Jacksonville, Florida. Our previous one is not going to let me see it because the loom is in the way. But basically my point being is that these are all siloed together, right? So you've got one article going to the next article, going to the next article, hold they're linked together. It's easy for Google to crawl it when they're, when the bot is working through your site. And then it all links back to this page. So we are building tons of geographic relevancy. This is a fantastic way to do it. And we have written exactly zero content for it. And, and we've done. I mean, you know, you can do 15 of these city pages and then, you know, 15 more things to do, just building a ton of geo relevancy for your site. The paid version, at least at the time of this filming, the paid version has like 250,000 words a month. If you use the bulk generator or the API generator, it has unlimited if you do the articles one at a time. The reason that becomes important is because if you're using the bulk, if you're doing the 750 words, which I used for the primary city page for the neighborhood pages, I use 500 words. And for the things to do, I like to use 250 words. But if you're, if you're using 750 words, that's like 333 articles per month that you can do. So that's just a ton of city pages city neighborhood things to do, go build your geo relevancy, use article forge below the link below and then follow this. And this is a great way to do it. We're going to show a much, much easier way a tool that we've put together that works in conjunction with article forge, but this is a manual way that you can do it to to go ahead and get started. Thanks guys.

Primary Page Content - Video Transcript

Okay. So still an article forge. I'm going to do this one manually, cause we're actually going to create a page out of this so that it's a static page and our WordPress installation. So this one, I'm just going to say Jacksonville, Florida. I already have the Google maps, short URL. So article length. I want it to be long at titles image, video. Yes. All that. Add new replacement, Jacksonville. I don't want it to replace the title and I don't want to use a placeholder. I'm not going to post to the WordPress blog because again, I'm going to make this a page instead of a blog entry. And I will show you what that looks like. So I'm just going to click, create new article. I understand that I'm not using any sub keywords, so I'm just going to say use only my main and this will start going through its process to create it. And when it is finished, it takes a couple of minutes when it is finished, I will come back and I will show you how I get it into WordPress. Okay. This finished up. So I'm going to click here to see the result. And here is my page. This is fantastic. So what I'm going to do is copy it. And now in my I've created a new page. And so I'm just going to paste this in here and let's make this image. Let's see here, Let's make this image much smaller. Very cool. All right. It looks really good. All right. So we've got our page. Obviously I could spend some time and make this make this a little prettier, but regardless. So now that I've got our page, what I want to do is go back into my menu. And I want to set that page. Let's do a quick edit and change that to published. And I want my menu item to point there. Right? So I'm going to go into the menu. I'm going to remove this and I'm going to say that I want an actual host or actual page rather It's spelled out. So we'll do So now we've got our Jacksonville page up here. We'll make all, all the other ones like the neighborhoods and the things to do. We'll make them sub pages of this.

Tools Mentioned in this Tutorial

Article Forge

The best AI content generator available.

Word AI

Direct Integration with Article Forge - get 10x the amount of content with Word AI.


Google Maps - for Neighborhood Research

Google Travel

For researching "Things to Do"

Example Pages Mentioned in this Tutorial

Primary City Page

The primary city we want to target.

Neighborhood Page

A neighborhood within our target city.

Things to Do Page

Things to Do within target city (find HERE).

Overall Workflow

See how all the pages are linked together.


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